Project 10 Employee Directory


Communicating with APIs allows you to work with microservices and with vast databases to build useful tools and relevant information quickly and easily. You can build utilities, games, infographics, and more. You can also integrate, display, and analyze social media and large data sets without having to create and curate them yourself.


Awesome Startup is a distributed company with employees working all over the world. They need a smart way to for employees to share contact information with each other. In this project, you’ll use the Random User Generator API ( to grab information for 12 random “employees,” and use that data to build a prototype for an Awesome Startup employee directory. You’ll request a JSON object from the API and parse the data so that 12 employees are listed in a grid with their thumbnail image, full name, email, and location. Clicking the employee’s image or name will open a modal window with more detailed information, such as the employee’s birthday and address.

