
This is a plugin for Wordpress that enables Single Sign-On to the DigitalChalk LMS

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This is a plugin for Wordpress that enables Single Sign-On to the DigitalChalk LMS


Download the latest version of the plugin from the releases directory. The current version is wpdcsso-1.0.6.zip.

Install the usual way through the plugins option in Wordpress Admin panel. No code changes to templates are required.

After installation and plugin activation (in WordPress wp-admin), go to Settings > Plugins > DigitalChalk SSO and set the parameters for the plugin, based on information from your DigitalChalk instructor account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I choose email or username in the settings?
A: This setting needs to match what your DigitalChalk account uses. If you log into DigitalChalk with an email, select email here, regardless of how you log into WordPress. Note that if you use email, each WordPress user must have an email address in their profile (although it doesn't have to be their username). If you are unsure if your DigitalChalk account is set to email or username, contact DigitalChalk support.



Added default API url button to update current value with default. Set the URL as the default if there is no url set (initial installation)


Fixed ability to pass in Sandbox or Production URLs


Updated to support more metadata fields and PHP7


Stable auto updating release


First public release with github updater.

###Other Info Contributors: bobrob,ttolle

Requires at least: 3.0.1

Tested up to: WordPress 3.9

Stable tag: 1.0.5

Tags: DigitalChalk,SSO

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html