
Node Image Service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Prononce (nō-dĭ′iss)

Nodeis is for Node Image Service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of images. It is inspired by Thumbor but it is not a direct port from python to nodejs. Using nodeis is very easy. All you have to do is access it using an URL for an image, like this:

  • Auto detect webp.
  • Save original image to filesystem || S3 || create your own storage.
  • You can fetch || upload images.
  • Built with pluggins. You can create your own easily




Via npm :

npm install nodeis

Git :

git clone https://github.com/marcguevremont/nodeis.git
cd nodeis
cd node_modules/nodeis
cp etc/config.default.js etc/config.js
IS_HTTP_PORT=8080 IS_HOST=http://localhost npm start

Docker :

docker run -p 8080 -d --name='nodeis' webs7/nodeis


Tested with Node v 0.12.7

By default nodeis use vips image library. See https://github.com/lovell/sharp for detail. You can also use graphic magic if you want.


The configuration file is located in etc/config.default.js. Copy it and rename it config.js.

Config example :

var config = {
	server : {
		port 	: 8080,
		baseurl : http://localhost:8080
	* Enable plugins
	engines : {
		//"gm" 	 : require("../lib/engine/gm"),
		//"webp"   : require("../lib/engine/webp"),
		//"opencv" : require("../lib/engine/opencv"),
		"sharp"	 : require("../lib/engine/sharp")
	transports : {
		"file" : require("../lib/transport/file"),
		"http" : require("../lib/transport/http"),
		"s3"   : require("../lib/transport/s3")
	options : {
		secure : false ,  // true, false	
		secret : "your secret key", // secret key
		 * Http  settings
		req_timeout  : 20000,
		req_max_size : 10*1024*1024, //15mb

		max_age     : 3600 * 24, //one day
		 * Imager settings
		engine	  : 'sharp',  //valid engine
		width     : 2000,  // max width
		height    : 2000,  // max height
		webp      : true,  // If header accept webp true | false 
		quality   : '80',  // 100 best
		setFormat : 'jpg', // convert all image to jpg by default gif | png | jpg
		face	  : false, //face recognition *not implemented 
		 * Store settings
		save 	   : true, //Per request: save file or just apply change and return it 
		saveUpload : false, //Save upload directly or save temp file and wait for transformation. This is to enable croping in browser like facebook profile picture.
		store      : {
			type   : 'file', //valid transport
			dir	   : '/is/storage', // Exisiting path
		store : {
				type   : 's3', //valid transport
				"bucket" 	  : 'your-bucket',
				"aws_key"     : 'your-key',
    			"aws_secret"  : 'your-secret'
		 * Cache settings
		cache	  : {
			type   : 'file', //valid transport

			ttl	   : "1d", // 1 day, 
			dir    : "/is/tmp", // Exisiting path


Implement you own and enable it in config.js See lib/engine or lib/transport for working examples


  • Add ttl to cache.
  • Create doc
  • Create tests
  • Add face detection via opencv


If you want to contribute your are welcome.
