
Implementation of 32-bit CPU using simplified MIPS32 instruction set.

Primary LanguageVHDL


Implementation of 32-bit CPU on MAX 10 FPGA using key instructions from the MIPS32 instruction set.



Selected MIPS32 Instructions


ADDU (Add unsigned)

SUBU (Subtract unsigned)

MULT, MULTU (Signed/unsigned multiplication)

AND, OR, XOR (Bit-wise logic operations)

SRL, SLL, SRA, SLA (Shift left/right, logical/arithmetic)

SLT, SLTU (Set on less than signed/unsigned)

MFHI, MFLO (Move from hi or lo registers)

JR (PC jump to register value)


ADDIU, SUBIU, MULTI, MULTIU (Immediate versions of the basic math operations)

ANDI, ORI, XORI (Immediate versions of the bit-wise logic operations)

SLTI, SLTIU (Immediate versions of the Set On Less Than operations)

LW (Load word from RAM into a register)

SW (Store word from register into RAM address)

BEQ, BNE (Branch on equal, branch on not equal)

BLEZ, BGTZ, BLTZ, BGEZ (Branch on compare to zero)


J (Jump to address directly)

JAL (Jump to address and save the PC to link register)