
exec's 'nfc-list' in a loop and reports back nfc tag names

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


exec's 'nfc-list' in a loop and reports back nfc tag names


  • PN532 Breakout Board
  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • Hook up wires
  1. hooked up via FTDI
  2. libnfc
  3. This Tutorial https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-nfc-rfid-on-raspberry-pi/overview

Install ZeroRPC/Node

This is a Raspberry Pi 2 B w/ Raspbian project.

  1. Install NodeJS with NVM!
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash
  1. Don't Forget! http://askubuntu.com/questions/365074/cannot-install-zeromq-package-from-chris-lea-zeromq-in-12-04/388770#388770Mar
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/zeromq
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dbg libzmq3-dev libzmq3
npm install zerorpc

Install Coffee Script

  1. Coffee Script: npm i -g coffee-script

Start the Project

  1. Start LCD Server: sudo python lcd.py (@todo python deps...)
  2. sudo for raspi-gpio: sudo -i (-i lets us use NVM Node!)
  3. Start Node: coffee index.coffee

Wiring Diagram

Sorry folks, check out the tutorial link above