Drupal Ethereum Docker

You can run three flavors by changing BUILD_ENVIRONMENT

  • dev - latest dev version from Guthub
  • stable - branch 8.x from drupal.org
  • example - latest dev version from Guthub with some Drupal config

Start Docker

  docker-machine start
  eval $(docker-machine env default)

Build and run

The single source of variables is the .env file. Copy default.env and change your settings there.

cp default.env .env

Start up containers

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

After Drupal install finished visit http://dockerhost:8888 or https://dockerhost:8889.

Note: If you change MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD after first docker-composer up run you may need to recreate the Database server (docker-compose rm -v).



All passwords are set via .env file.

System accounts have no passwords. You need to change app/ssh/authorized_keys in order to log in.

ssh root@dockerhost -p2222
ssh drupal@dockerhost -p2222


You may run into a disk is full error on /usr/bin/composer install, if a container doesn't shut down properly

The disk hosting /var/www/.composer is full, this may be the cause of the following exception

You can fix it with docker images prune and then rebuild images. Or sometimes https://stackoverflow.com/a/37329484/308533