
Laravel Photo Manager

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Laravl Photo Manager

Laravel Photo Manager


Step one

 composer require digitaldream/photo

Step Two Run Migration

 php artisan migrate

Step Three

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Photo/PhotoServiceProvider"

It will publish config, views file. Feel free to edit these files according to your project need.

Step Four

Browse /photo/photos to start using this library

Configure Policy

You can configure who can have what permissions on this photo library. Create a new class and extends it from Photo\Policies\PhotoPolicy like below.

 namespace App\Policies;
 use Photo\Policies\PhotoPolicy as Policy;

  class PhotoPolicy extends Policy
       * @param \App\Models\User $user
       * @return bool
      public function viewAny($user): bool
          return $user->isTeacher();

As you can see we override viewAny method. Now a Teacher can view list of all photos. Other methods like before,view,create,update,delete can be override too. Now to register this Policy class lets change policy key on config/photo.php

#file config/photo.php

'policy' => \App\Policies\PhotoPolicy::class,


1.Drag and Drop from Web.

2.Drag and Drop from Local machine

3.Crop and Resize

4.Webp conversion

5.Copy image URL and share to the Web

7.Size configurable and thumbnails generation

8.SEO friendly filename.


10.PHPunit test classes included. Drag n Drop from local machine Resize-image

How to use in a Model as BelongsTo

First of all you need to put a line on your model migration for example posts.

$table->foreign('photo_id')->references('id')->on('photo_photos')->onDelete('set null');

Secondly you need to define relation on your model.

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
    public function photo()
        return $this->belongsTo(\Photo\Models\Photo::class, 'photo_id');

Third. Lets make upload on controller.

    * @var \Photo\Repositories\PhotoRepository
    protected $photoRepository;
    public function __construct(PhotoRepository $photoRepository)
        $this->photoRepository = $photoRepository;
    public function store(StoreRequest $request)
    //Your other code.
        $post->photo_id = $this->photoRepository->create($file, ['caption' => $data['title']])->id;

You must resolve \Photo\Repositories\PhotoRepository via __construction Dependency injection.

Finally. Its time to render image to view.

 {!! $post->photo->renderThumbnails() !!}

This will render following html code.

    <source type="image/webp" srcset="https://YourSite.com/storage/posts/thumbnails/nice-quietly-their-belong-place-on-it-the-appeared-to.webp">
    <img src="https://YourSite.com/storage/posts/thumbnails/nice-quietly-their-belong-place-on-it-the-appeared-to.jpeg" alt="Nice, quietly their belong, place on. It the appeared to">

Above code will render thumbnails in both webp and uploaded extension. To render larger image do following

    {!! $post->photo->render('card-img-top') !!}

Here render method take class name as first argument and style as second.

How to upload file and get file path only.

    namesapce App\Repositories;
    class PostRepository
        * @var \Photo\Services\PhotoService
        protected PhotoService $photoService;
        public function __construct(PhotoService $photoService)
            $this->photoService = $photoService;
        public function store(Request $request)
            $post = new Post();
            $mainImageFolder = "posts"
            $thumbnailWidth = 220;
            $thumbnailHheight= 200;
            $crop="no"; // "yes" will resize image automatically based on your maximum height,width.
            $thumbnailPath = "thumbnails"; // Thumbnails path are relative to main Image folder. 
                                            //In this case it will create a folder thumbnails under posts folder.
            $post->image =  $this->photoService
                                    ->setDimension($thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHheight, $thumbnailPath)
                                    ->store($mainImageFolder, $request->file('file'), $post->title, $crop)