Materials for the Ionic Workshop

This repository will contain all of the materials for the ionic workshop that I am running at Nebraska Code.


The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to the Ionic Framework and what makes it so cool for developing cross platform mobile application. You will walk away from the workshop with a completed todo application that stores its data in the cloud.

Who Should Attend

If you are a web developer that has a desire to create a mobile application that you can release through the Apple or Google app stores.

Skills Needed

  • Html - Beginner
  • Javascript - Intermediate
  • Css - Beginner
  • Angular - Beginner
  • Using the Command Line - Intermediate

Minimum Software to Install

    npm install -g gulp bower cordova ionic


Testing Software Installs

All of these should return back a version number.

  node -v
  npm -v
  ionic -v
  gulp -v
  cordova -v
  git --version

Software To Deploy to Device

The previous installs got us everything that we need to be able to create an Ionic application and test it in the web browser but in order to deploy it to a device, we need to install some additional software. Below are post blog that walk through the installations based on your OS.



See You There

See you at the workshop. If you have any questions before or after the workshop, you can find me one twitter at