
Making HDP Demos easy

Primary LanguageJava


(Formerly known as HDP App Studio)

Making HDP Demos easy

Now supporting HDP

Default mode is binary delivery now. This means HDPDemoStudio is an Ambari View on it's own. Having said that property-files are still ok. In fact the Ambari view takes your input and creates a property-file from them.

To build HDPDemoStudio run the following commands on a Sandbox or cluster:

$ mvn clean compile assembly:single
$ cd StormTopology
$ mvn clean compile package
$ cd SparkStreaming
$ mvn clean compile assembly:single
$ cd ..
$ ./createpkg.sh

This will produce a tar-ball under dist/.

Copy the tar-ball dist/HDPDemoStudio-bin-.tar on the a fresh Sandbox and run: $ tar xf HDPAppStudio-bin-.tar $ ./install.sh

Afterwards find your HDPDemoStudio View in Ambari and create your application there.

Alternatively you start a fresh sandbox, logon and do:

$ git clone https://github.com/digitalemil/HDPDemoStudio.git
$ cd HDPDemoStudio
$ sh ./install.sh

and follow the output