Story Inspiration Station


  • server/ backend web server app.
  • docker-compose.yaml docker container for the backend web server app.
  • traefik.toml Traefik setup for the backend web server app.
  • mediaproxy/ local proxy server for the kiosk PC.
  • parsedata/ helper utility for parsing object data from an Excel/CSV to JSON database.
  • processlogs/ user interaction log documentation and report generation scripts.
  • helper utility for uploading backend app sources to the server.

Excluded assets (to be added manually):

  • server/static/Lora-Bold.ttf
  • server/static/Lora-Regular.ttf
  • server/static/OpenSans-Bold.ttf
  • server/static/OpenSans-Regular.ttf

You can download these fonts here: Lora, Open Sans.

Object videos and cover images are stored on the S3 cloud.

Backend Web Server

Setting up local development environment

Install requirements:

cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a PostgreSQL database however you like. Use storyweb.sql to set up database structure.

Rename example.config.json to config.json and add database credentials to the "database" section.

Generate JWT secret key and add it to config.json. You can do it in Python using:

import secrets

Note: changing JWT key will logout all users from the moderator dashboard.

You don't need to use docker in the local development environment. Run without docker:


Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser.

Setting up production environment using docker

SSH to the server, create a directory for the web server app, for example:

mkdir /server/apps/inspiration_station

Copy docker-compose.yaml, traefik.toml and the entire server/ directory to that folder.

Make sure server/config.json has production configuration and doesn't have "devMode": true.

Create an empty acme.json file next to docker-compose.yaml and chmod to 600:

touch acme.json
chmod 600 acme.json

Start docker container:

docker-compose up -d

You can later restart the docker using docker-compose down followed by docker-compose up -d. The docker must be restarted every time you make changes to Python sources!

Downloadable Data Format

Some data can be download in JSON or CSV format (zipped) from the moderators' dashboard Downloads section.

Full database of stories

field/column description
uid Story unique ID, used for story URL
obj Object ID, for example 2-ntomo-mask
q1 Answer to Question 1
q2 Answer to Question 2
q3 Answer to Question 3
time UTC time of posting the story
mod Moderation status: new, block, ok, or star
ip IP address from which the story has been posted from (expected Museum IP address)
editor User name of the moderator who reviewed the story, or null
upd_time UTC time of moderation, or null if is hasn't been moderated

Database of museum objects

field/column description
id Object ID, for example 2-ntomo-mask. Should be the same as the video file name and cover image file name
name Displayed name, for example N’tomo Mask
fact Text for interactive
collectionNumber TWAM collection number or ??

User Interaction Logs

See usage log documentation.