
Library and example web app for the SAML Web-based SSO profile.

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


  • incomplete (some parts of the standard are not supported yet)
  • ready (we are using this in production)


This is a library plus toy-sp app for the role of the service provider in SAML2 Web Single-Sign-On.

The library gives you:

  • xml parsing and rendering
  • signature verification
  • policy checks
  • servant APIs and wai application
  • configuration file handling

We are making heavy use of the more complete but also experimental hsaml2. We are hoping to stick with a smaller, robust subset of the standard and phase out that dependency in the future.


Assume you have an IdP set up and somebody who knows how to configure it. This section explains what you need to ask them in order to write a config file for the toy-sp app in order to connect to it, and what you need to tell them so they can register your toy-sp app with their IdP.

what the SP (us) needs to know

/test/samples/server-config.yaml contains a commented sample config that you can copy. It contains a list of IdP records with the following record fields (all but the first can be extracted from the metadata that the IdP provides via HTTP).

  • path: The path segment in the toy-sp login url. You can pick something short and easy to memorize, or, if you just want to redirect users to toy-sp from your intranet and they do not have to look at this link at all, a serial number or UUID.

  • metadata: the URL under which the <IDPSSODescriptor> blob can be fetched. This should contain everything that is repeatedin the fields below. The reason for the redundancy is security: By copying the KeyInfo blob into your config file, you commit to it being ultimatly trustworthy.

  • issuer-id: this is the IdP's SAML2 issuer ID. It is used in the XML response data and needs to match this entry in order for the public key to be found.

  • request-url: the URL to which the <AuthnRequest> is to be forwarded by the client during SSO login.

  • public-key: the <KeyInfo> blob with the certificate that contains the public key for response signature verification.

what the IdP (them) needs to know

For configuring the IdP the most important thing you need is the end-point that is located under GET /sso/meta in toy-sp. This is where the SP provides its own metadata that can be fetched by the IdP. If you have a trusted channel to the IdP, you can also fetch the end-point locally and pass the XML data that you get to the IdP directly.

You also need to help users to find the GET /sso/authreq/<path> end-point. It could either be linked from some globally accessible page in a menu of different supported IdPs, or from an app menu in the intranet of the company running the IdP.

Try it out!

You need:

  • an IdP (e.g. on azure).
  • a host that is reachable from the internet (e.g. via ngrok).
  • an SSL proxy (e.g. with nginx).
  • a clone of the repo you are looking at.
  • a file /server.yaml copied and adopted from /test/samples/server-config.yaml.

Now run:

stack test --fast
SAML2_WEB_SSO_ROOT=`pwd` stack exec toy-sp

This should start the toy-sp app. Now you can connect to https://<domain>:<port>/sso/authreq/<your-idp>.

<your-idp> has to be the path value of one of the IdPs registered in server.yaml.


Before submitting a PR, make sure to install ormolu by doing stack install ormolu (we pin the version in our stack.yaml file) and run make format.