
URL utilities for motion-markdown-it

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Gem Version Build Status

This gem is a port of the mdurl javascript package by Vitaly Puzrin and Alex Kocharin, that is used for the markdown-it package.

Currently synced with mdurl 1.0.1

URL utilities for motion-markdown-it parser, for both Ruby and RubyMotion


As this gem was ported from the Javascript version, there may still be some mixture of Javascript terminology below'

MDUrl::Encode.encode(str [, exclude, keepEncoded]) -> String

Percent-encode a string, avoiding double encoding. Don't touch /a-zA-Z0-9/ + excluded chars + /%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/ (if not disabled). Broken surrorates are replaced with U+FFFD.


  • str - input string.
  • exclude - optional, ;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()#. Additional chars to keep intact (except /a-zA-Z0-9/).
  • keepEncoded - optional, true. By default it skips already encoded sequences (/%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/). If set to false, % will be encoded.


You can use these constants as second argument to encode function.

  • DEFAULT_CHARACTERS is the same exclude set as in the standard encodeURI() function
  • COMPONENT_CHARACTERS is the same exclude set as in the encodeURIComponent() function

For example, MDUrl::Encode.encode('something', MDUrl::Encode::COMPONENT_CHARACTERS, true) is roughly the equivalent of the encodeURIComponent() function in Javascript (except encode() doesn't throw).

MDUrl::Decode.decode(str [, exclude]) -> String

Decode percent-encoded string. Invalid percent-encoded sequences (e.g. %2G) are left as is. Invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with U+FFFD.


  • str - input string.
  • exclude - set of characters to leave encoded, optional, ;/?:@&=+$,#.


You can use these constants as second argument to decode function.

  • DEFTAULT_CHARS is the same exclude set as in the standard decodeURI() function
  • COMPONENT_CHARS is the same exclude set as in the decodeURIComponent() function

For example, MDUrl::Decode.decode('something', MDUrl::Decode::DEFTAULT_CHARS) has the same behavior as decodeURI('something') in javascript on a correctly encoded input.

MDUrl::Url.parse(url, slashesDenoteHost) -> urlObs

Parse url string. Similar to node's url.parse, but without any normalizations and query string parse.

  • url - input url (string)
  • slashesDenoteHost - if url starts with //, expect a hostname after it. Optional, false.

Result (hash):

  • protocol
  • slashes
  • auth
  • port
  • hostname
  • hash
  • search
  • pathname

Difference with node's url:

  1. No leading slash in paths, e.g. in url.parse('http://foo?bar') pathname is "" (empty string), not "/"
  2. Backslashes are not replaced with slashes, so http:\\example.org\ is treated like a relative path
  3. Trailing colon is treated like a part of the path, i.e. in http://example.org:foo pathname is :foo
  4. Nothing is URL-encoded in the resulting object, (in joyent/node some chars in auth and paths are encoded)
  5. url.parse() does not have parseQueryString argument
  6. Removed extraneous result properties: host, path, query, etc., which can be constructed using other parts of the url.


Format an object previously obtained with .parse() function. Similar to node's url.format.
