Managed Kubernetes designed for simple and cost effective container orchestration.
- 38
Connection to load balancer HTTPS port from within cluster does not terminate TLS
#8 opened by jcassee - 31
NAT gateway (static ip)
#9 opened by klausenbusk - 7
- 2
- 1
Question about node taints with regard to doks-managed 'coredns' deployment
#31 opened by taufik-rama - 1
Cronjob TimeZone in >=1.27, TZ not found
#32 opened by kirinnee - 15
Support metrics in the integrated dashboard
#21 opened by timoreimann - 1
Feature request: UDP support in Load Balancers
#30 opened by bergkvist - 17
- 4
Linux Kernel 5.x on DOKS Nodes
#29 opened by artem-zinnatullin - 6
- 2
Support pod security policies
#17 opened by alexellis - 3
kube-state-metrics serviceaccount installed to kube-system namespace by default
#25 opened by devurandom - 5
Feature Request: UI Integration to Apply Taints automatically to Node Pools
#28 opened by joeldeteves - 0
- 6
No metrics for cluster in version 1.20.2-do.0
#24 opened by chevdor - 1
- 8
Improve Load Balancers
#11 opened by mishushakov - 13
- 1
Support resolving node hostnames
#7 opened by timoreimann - 8
- 2
dont cap grace period at 0 for soft evictions
#19 opened by cjroebuck - 1
support dynamic kubelet config
#20 opened by cjroebuck - 2
Scale node pool to zero throws HTTP 500
#16 opened by tedmiston - 4
Automatic minor version k8s upgrades
#14 opened by ianmuscat - 6
Support auto-scaling DOKS clusters
#5 opened by timoreimann - 1
Support kubelet serving TLS
#6 opened by timoreimann - 5
Wrong timezone?
#12 opened by mishushakov - 5
Requests from inside a pod targeting an external LB IP address bypass the LB and go directly towards the service
#4 opened by timoreimann