
DigitalOcean Ansible Collection

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DigitalOcean Collection

DigitalOcean + Ansible

This repository contains the digitalocean.cloud Ansible Collection. This is a grounds-up rewrite of the community.digitalocean Ansible collection, leveraging PyDO.

DigitalOcean Collection for Ansible

Ansible Collection Latest Release OpenSSF Best Practices

Integration tests Sanity tests Unit tests Publish Collection on Galaxy Lint extra docsite docs and links Python psf/black

Open in GitHub Codespaces

This collection can be used to manage infrastructure in the DigitalOcean cloud. The DigitalOcean API documentation is located here. The pydo library which this collection is based on is hosted on GitHub and PyPI.

Code of Conduct

We follow the Ansible Code of Conduct in all our interactions within this project.

If you encounter abusive behavior, please refer to the policy violations section of the Code for information on how to raise a complaint.


Join us in Libera.chat in the #ansible-digitalocean for collection development questions or DigitalOcean Community Discord in the #ansible channel.

Contributing to this collection

The content of this collection is made by people like you, a community of individuals collaborating on making the world better through developing automation software.

We are actively accepting new contributors.

Any kind of contribution is very welcome.

You don't know how to start? Refer to our contribution guide!

We use the following guidelines:

Collection maintenance

The current maintainers are listed in the MAINTAINERS file. If you have questions or need help, feel free to mention them in the proposals.

To learn how to maintain / become a maintainer of this collection, refer to the Maintainer guidelines.


The process of decision making in this collection is based on discussing and finding consensus among participants.

Every voice is important. If you have something on your mind, create an issue or dedicated discussion and let's discuss it!

Tested with versions

Ansible Python
stable-2.14 3.9
stable-2.15 3.10
stable-2.16 3.10
devel 3.10

External requirements

boto3==1.28.53 # For the Spaces modules

The following should install the requirements for your account:

pip3 install --user azure-core==1.26.1 boto3==1.28.53 pydo==0.1.7

There is a pyproject.toml is the root of this repository as well if you use Poetry or similar.

Included content

Module Description
digitalocean.cloud.account_info Get account information
digitalocean.cloud.balance_info Get balance information
digitalocean.cloud.billing_history_info Get billing history
digitalocean.cloud.cdn_endpoints_info Get CDN endpoints
digitalocean.cloud.certificate Create and delete certificates
digitalocean.cloud.certificate_info Get certificates
digitalocean.cloud.container_registry_info Get container registry
digitalocean.cloud.database_cluster_info Get databases
digitalocean.cloud.domain Create and delete domains
digitalocean.cloud.domain_record Create and delete domain records
digitalocean.cloud.domain_records_info Get domain records
digitalocean.cloud.domains_info Get domains
digitalocean.cloud.droplet Create and delete Droplets
digitalocean.cloud.droplet_action_power Change power states on Droplets
digitalocean.cloud.droplet_action_resize Resize Droplets
digitalocean.cloud.droplet_action_snapshot Snapshot Droplets
digitalocean.cloud.droplets_info Get Droplets
digitalocean.cloud.firewall Create and delete firewalls
digitalocean.cloud.firewall_info Get firewalls
digitalocean.cloud.images_info Get images
digitalocean.cloud.kubernetes_cluster Create and delete Kubernetes clusters
digitalocean.cloud.kubernetes_cluster_info Get Kubernetes clusters
digitalocean.cloud.load_balancer Create and delete load balancers
digitalocean.cloud.load_balancer_info Get load balancers
digitalocean.cloud.monitoring_alert_policies_info Get monitoring alert policies
digitalocean.cloud.monitoring_alert_policy Create and deelete monitoring alert policies
digitalocean.cloud.one_click Install Kubernetes 1-Click applications
digitalocean.cloud.one_clicks_info Get 1-Clicks
digitalocean.cloud.project Create and delete projects
digitalocean.cloud.projects_info Get projects
digitalocean.cloud.projects_resources_info Get projects resources
digitalocean.cloud.regions_info Get regions
digitalocean.cloud.reserved_ip Create and delete reserved IP
digitalocean.cloud.reserved_ips_info Get reserved IPs
digitalocean.cloud.sizes_info Get sizes
digitalocean.cloud.snapshot Create and delete snapshots
digitalocean.cloud.snapshots_info Get snapshots
digitalocean.cloud.space Create and delete Spaces
digitalocean.cloud.spaces_info Get Spaces
digitalocean.cloud.ssh_key Create and delete SSH keys
digitalocean.cloud.ssh_keys_info Get SSH keys
digitalocean.cloud.tag Create and delete tags
digitalocean.cloud.tags_info Get tags
digitalocean.cloud.uptime_check Create and delete Uptime checks
digitalocean.cloud.uptime_checks_info Get Uptime checks
digitalocean.cloud.uptime_checks_state_info Get Uptime checks state
digitalocean.cloud.volume Create and delete volumes
digitalocean.cloud.volume_action Create and delete volume actions
digitalocean.cloud.volume_snapshot Create and delete volume snapshots
digitalocean.cloud.volumes_info Get volumes
digitalocean.cloud.vpc Create and delete VPCs
digitalocean.cloud.vpcs_info Get VPCs
Inventory Plugin Description
digitalocean.cloud.droplets Droplets dynamic inventory plugin

Using this collection

There are sample playbooks in the playbooks directory. While we may not always have complete coverage of example playbooks, it is the expectation that there is complete module documentation (with EXAMPLES) and integration test coverage for every module in the collection which exercise CRUD (create, read, update if applicable, and delete).

Be sure to set the $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN environment variable as most modules require authentication. This is preferable in contrast to using the token module parameter in the play and storing your API token in plaintext within your playbook. Modules which create, update, or destroy resources in the cloud will require an API token with "Write" permission. Please read this for more information on API tokens.

Warning Keep in mind, running the sample playbooks that create cloud resources will cost real money.

This is a sample playbook which returns your DigitalOcean account information:

- name: Account info
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Get account information

Output should look similar to the following:

❯ ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=community.general.yaml ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local playbooks/account_info.yml -v
Using /Users/mmercado/.ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [Account info] **********************************************************************************************

TASK [Get account information] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => changed=false
    droplet_limit: 25
    email: mmercado@digitalocean.com
    email_verified: true
    floating_ip_limit: 3
    name: Mark Mercado
    reserved_ip_limit: 3
    status: active
    status_message: ''
      name: FOSS
      uuid: 3281ad4a-0092-4e6b-abd2-c7a7ed111503
    uuid: eab13a8a-99e3-4ffd-a587-b8a7789f0090
    volume_limit: 100
  msg: Current account information

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

This is a sample playbook which registers an SSH key and a Droplet which uses it:

- name: Create SSH key and Droplet
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: true

    digitalocean_token: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN') }}"
    public_key: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.file', ansible_env['HOME'] ~ '/.ssh/sammy.key.pub') }}"

    - name: Create SSH key
        state: present
        token: "{{ digitalocean_token }}"
        public_key: "{{ public_key }}"
        name: "sammy"
      register: ssh_key

    - name: Create Droplet
        state: present
        token: "{{ digitalocean_token }}"
        name: sammy-droplet
        region: nyc3
        size: s-1vcpu-2gb
        image: ubuntu-22-04-x64
        ssh_keys: ["{{ ssh_key.ssh_key.id }}"]
        unique_name: true


DigitalOcean does not require Droplet names to be unique - this functionality is enforced by the digitalocean.cloud.droplet module in conjunction with its unique_name parameter.

This is a sample inventory plugin file which returns the Droplets in your account:

Output should look similar to the following:

❯ ansible-inventory -i inventory/digitalocean.yml --graph
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
  |  |--ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
❯ ansible-inventory -i inventory/digitalocean.yml --host ansible-gh-ci-droplet-1-0
    "ansible_host": "",
    "backup_ids": [],
    "class": "basic",
    "created_at": "2023-09-23T22:19:10Z",
    "disk": 50,
    "distribution": "ubuntu",
    "features": [
    "id": 376180902,
    "image": {
        "created_at": "2023-03-22T19:17:23Z",
        "description": "Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64",
        "distribution": "Ubuntu",
        "id": 129211873,
        "min_disk_size": 7,
        "name": "22.04 (LTS) x64",
        "public": true,
        "regions": [
            <many more>
        "size_gigabytes": 0.72,
        "slug": "ubuntu-22-04-x64",
        "status": "available",
        "tags": [],
        "type": "base"
    "kernel": null,
    "locked": false,
    "memory": 2048,
    "networks": {
        "v4": [
                "gateway": "",
                "ip_address": "",
                "netmask": "",
                "type": "private"
                "gateway": "",
                "ip_address": "",
                "netmask": "",
                "type": "public"
        "v6": []
    "next_backup_window": null,
    "region": {
        "available": true,
        "features": [
        "name": "New York 3",
        "sizes": [
            <many more>
        "slug": "nyc3"
    "size": {
        "available": true,
        "description": "Basic",
        "disk": 50,
        "memory": 2048,
        "price_hourly": 0.01786,
        "price_monthly": 12.0,
        "regions": [
            <many more>
        "slug": "s-1vcpu-2gb",
        "transfer": 2.0,
        "vcpus": 1
    "size_slug": "s-1vcpu-2gb",
    "snapshot_ids": [],
    "status": "active",
    "tags": [
    "vcpus": 1,
    "volume_ids": [],
    "vpc_uuid": "30f86d25-414e-434f-852d-993ed8d6815e"

Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy

Before using this collection, you need to install it with the Ansible Galaxy command-line tool:

ansible-galaxy collection install digitalocean.cloud

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it with ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name: digitalocean.cloud

Note that if you install the collection from Ansible Galaxy, it will not be upgraded automatically when you upgrade the ansible package. To upgrade the collection to the latest available version, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install digitalocean.cloud --upgrade

You can also install a specific version of the collection, for example, if you need to downgrade when something is broken in the latest version (please report an issue in this repository). Use the following syntax to install version 0.5.0:

ansible-galaxy collection install digitalocean.cloud:==0.5.0

See Ansible Using collections for more details.

Release notes

See the changelog.

Releasing instructions

Please review the upstream documentation for releasing Ansible collections. The utility for creating the release metadata is antibull-changelog and can be install from PyPI with pip install --user antsibull-changelog or, in this project, poetry install --with=dev. In general, the steps are as follow:

  1. Create a new branch for the release with git checkout -b release/X.Y.Z
  2. Bump the collection version in galaxy.yml to X.Y.Z
  3. Run antsibull-changelog release to generate the release metadata (or poetry run antsibull-changelog release) to generate the release metadata
  4. Commit all changes, push the branch, and open a pull request against this branch
  5. Once all tests pass and approvals are finalized, merge the pull request
  6. After tests pass after the merge into main, create and push the vX.Y.Z based off of the merge commit
  7. After the release tag is pushed, create the corresponding GitHub Release for the tag (choosing "automatically generate release notes" is fine) and set it as the latest release
  8. After this workflow passes the new version of the collection should appear on Ansible Galaxy (it is triggered from tags of the form v*)



More information


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.

See LICENSE to see the full text.