- 1
Disable caching when using a reverse proxy
#467 opened by ProphetLamb - 0
#498 opened by Natuworkguy - 0
conf files sorting bug with ssl configurations
#497 opened by asgrdeu - 1
nginx validation error: unknown "connection_upgrade" variable (Node.js proxy)
#491 opened by AleksandrHovhannisyan - 1
Use proper ESM imports w/ extensions
#454 opened by MattIPv4 - 0
Pass original port in all proxied queries
#479 opened by rayrapetyan - 7
- 0
Add support for Gunicorn
#478 opened by jmrbcu - 0
Optional headers for wasm
#477 opened by akshaybabloo - 1
prism.css file line 44 have a error
#472 opened by liu1084 - 4
Expect to add NJet configuration generation
#469 opened by TMLEngine - 0
- 1
Change default Referrer-Policy
#463 opened by jameskimmel - 0
- 0
- 0
Why not remove X-XSS-Protection?
#455 opened by jameskimmel - 0
- 0
- 4
Getting `"[emerg] no "ssl_certificate" is defined for the "listen ... ssl" directive in webiste.conf`
#432 opened by maskeynihal - 1
Add contributing and code of conduct files.
#422 opened by theritikchoure - 0
Add prettier
#447 opened by maskeynihal - 1
support client certificates
#437 opened by DWay17 - 0
- 0
#436 opened by melodybusrental - 0
Wordpress config is generated for every domain
#435 opened by asm0dey - 0
[FR] Add support for `proxy_cookie_domain`
#434 opened by gtn1024 - 1
Wider content and sticky or similiar right column behavior on side by side mode
#430 opened by pniaps - 2
Add nginx api gateway template
#425 opened by kylinsoong - 1
- 1
- 9
Not able to proxy requests for assets, media files
#412 opened by doggy8088 - 4
- 0
#418 opened by Nousheenwaseem - 0
Best way to secure wp-admin/wp-login.php
#417 opened by keiothic - 1
npm ci -> 3 vulnerabilities (2 high, 1 critical)
#415 opened by mralusw - 5
Not found. Configuration page
#408 opened by ZhangWeike2000 - 0
- 5
Husky and lint-staged
#396 opened by MrJmpl3 - 2
npm ci err
#407 opened by ZhangWeike2000 - 0
- 7
Add global path for logs
#405 opened by SorinGFS - 0
Per host security headers
#403 opened by etam - 0
Why ssl_trusted_certificate directive isn't defined in server block when I choose other type of certificate than Let's Encrypt?
#401 opened by dominikkrulak - 0
move limit_req to WordPress or make it universal
#400 opened by jameskimmel - 1
Configuration persistence
#397 opened by myesn - 5
Reverse proxy headers "Host"
#382 opened by mateiandrei94 - 1
undefined running the app locally
#385 opened by treboryx - 2
Hot reload not work with VM Linux
#392 opened by MrJmpl3 - 2
Add an auto_assign github action
#390 opened by Jonniie - 0
#381 opened by Cocacolaplus8