
Training/Evaluation code for HoVer-NeXt

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

HoVer-NeXt Training Repository

Contains necessary code to train and evaluate HoVer-NeXt on Lizard-Mitosis and Pannuke. For inference, please check the hover-next inference repository

Find the Publication here: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=3vmB43oqIO

How to run


Setup the environment by running the following commands. Be careful to choose the right pytorch version for your installed CUDA Version.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate hovernext
pip install torch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

Lizard-Mitosis training

For Lizard-Mitosis and the mitosis data training, download lizard_mitosis.zip and mitosis_ds.zip from zenodo and extract the folders.

PanNuke training

If available, download PanNuke from here: TIA-Warwick and convert using convert_pannuke_to_conic.py like so:

python3 convert_pannuke_to_conic.py --path "/path-to/pannuke/masks/"

training parameters are defined in a .toml file. Please check out the examples in the sample_configs/ folder.

Train a model:

To start the training run the following, but make sure to view and modify the *.toml before.

torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=1 train.py --config "sample_configs/train_pannuke.toml"

There is no default logger so if you want to run this script in the background and monitor the log, run:

torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=1 train.py --config "sample_configs/train_pannuke.toml" >train.log 2>&1 &

Run hyperparameter search:

After training a model, run hyperparamter search to find the best foreground and seed thresholds for watershed

python3 hp_search.py --config "your_experiment/params.toml"

Run evaluation

After hyperparamter search, model evaluation can be done via

python3 python3 evaluate.py --exp "your_experiment" --tta 16

This creates a new folder within the experiment folder that contains the experiment results.

To run the eosinophil validation, download the eos-val dataset and process it via the hover-next-inference pipeline. Afterwards run:

python3 python3 eos_eval.py --out "eos_results.csv" --root "/path-to-inference-results/" --val_root "/path-to/eos_val/"


Download the singularity image from Zenodo

Multi-GPU / node training is supported via torchrun. The defined batch size in the *.toml is the batch size per gpu.

# don't forget to mount your local directory
export APPTAINER_BINDPATH="/storage"
apptainer exec --nv /path-to-container/hover_next.sif \
    torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=2 train.py \
	    --config "sample_configs/train_pannuke.toml"

Training on other datasets

Follow along the pannuke code and replace hyperparameters and necessary preprocessing steps along the way. Data should always be in the same format, see convert_pannuke_to_conic.py.

Using HoVer-NeXt to finetune on other datasets

Download a pre-trained checkpoint from here. In the training config, you can specify a checkpoint to be loaded, select the downloaded and extracted best_model file.

Whole slide Inference

Please check the inference repository for WSI/large image inference:

hover-next inference repository


This repository is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 (See License Info). If you are intending to use this repository for commercial usecases, please check the licenses of all python packages referenced in the Setup section / described in the requirements.txt and environment.yml.


If you are using this code, please cite:

  title={HoVer-NeXt: A Fast Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Pipeline for Next Generation Histopathology},
  author={Baumann, Elias and Dislich, Bastian and Rumberger, Josef Lorenz and Nagtegaal, Iris D and Martinez, Maria Rodriguez and Zlobec, Inti},
  booktitle={Medical Imaging with Deep Learning},


  author={Rumberger, Josef Lorenz and Baumann, Elias and Hirsch, Peter and Janowczyk, Andrew and Zlobec, Inti and Kainmueller, Dagmar},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Challenges (ISBIC)}, 
  title={Panoptic segmentation with highly imbalanced semantic labels}, 