
This repository contains scripts to automatically extract data from Digitalcheck documents (PDF) to be used for evaluation and analysis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Digitalcheck Data

This repository contains scripts to automatically extract data from Digitalcheck documents (PDF) to be used for evaluation and analysis purposes.

⚠️ Be warned: Some scripts in this repository are work in progress.

Getting Started

Warning: Not tested for Windows systems

Follow the steps below to parse Digitalcheck PDF documents:

  • Copy the PDF files into resources/real/
  • Install all prerequisites
  • Open a terminal in this root directory and run ./scripts/parse.sh -i "./resources/real/" -o "output/"


  • The scripts directory contains the different scripts to parse Digitalcheck PDF documents.
  • The resources directory contains the Digitalcheck PDF documents.
  • The test directory contains tests to test the scripts.


The scripts in this repository make use of the following languages and tools:

Bash / Command Line


  • Adobe PDF Services API to extract data and interactive fields (only works with interactive PDF documents created with Adobe tooling)


  • pypdf to extract text and interactive fields (only works if the interactive fields are still interactive and not rendered differently)
  • pdfplumber to extract radio button and checkbox data by detecting rectangles and circles

Learnings about Parsing PDFs

Note: Please consider those learnings personal learning after some trial and error with a few tools in a limited time frame. It is not complete and might differ for other use cases.

Interactive Fields

  • Content of interactive fields is not detected by all tools when extracting text (e.g. PDF Extract API omits it).
    • e.g. xpdf reliably extracts text from fields no matter what format
  • Reading interactive fields as fields (not plain text) is only possible if the fields are still interactive and not rendered by another PDF rendering engine (e.g. PDFium) or converted to PDF/A.

Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

  • None of the tested tools was able to detect and read data from radio buttons and checkboxes out of the box.
  • To make it work, pdfplumber was used to detect circles and rectangles and do some calculations to find out which one was checked (as done in extract-radios-and-checkboxes.py inspired by this GitHub issue).


  • PDF/A is a standardized PDF format.
  • Extracting text from PDF/A does not reliably include all text of the original PDF when extracted with the tested tools.
  • PDF/A helps to reliably detect shapes like rectangles and circles.


  • There is a ton of OSS tools to parse PDF documents all with different features.
  • Python seems to be the most suitable option for PDF parsing.
  • The Adobe PDF Services API has many features to execute CRUD operations on PDF documents, lacks reliability to parse PDF documents not created with Adobe tooling though.


Everyone is welcome to contribute the development of the Digitalcheck Data. You can contribute by opening pull request, providing documentation or answering questions or giving feedback. Please always follow the guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

Jede:r ist herzlich eingeladen, die Entwicklung des Digitalcheck Data mitzugestalten. Du kannst einen Beitrag leisten, indem du Pull-Requests eröffnest, die Dokumentation erweiterst, Fragen beantwortest oder Feedback gibst. Bitte befolge immer die Richtlinien und unseren Verhaltenskodex.

Contributing code

Open a pull request with your changes and it will be reviewed by someone from the team. When you submit a pull request, you declare that you have the right to license your contribution to the DigitalService and the community. By submitting the patch, you agree that your contributions are licensed under the MIT license.

Please make sure that your changes have been tested before submitting a pull request.

Nach dem Erstellen eines Pull Requests wird dieser von einer Person aus dem Team überprüft. Wenn du einen Pull-Request einreichst, erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, deinen Beitrag an den DigitalService und die Community zu lizenzieren. Durch das Einreichen des Patches erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass deine Beiträge unter der MIT-Lizenz lizenziert sind.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass deine Änderungen getestet wurden, bevor du einen Pull-Request sendest.