
GHA that sends a message to slack when a CI job fails

Slack notification for CI failure


This GHA sends a message to a Slack channel when a workflow job fails.

Note: if you want to receive a message for every run status (successul, failed, cancelled), use the GitHub + Slack Integration instead of this GHA.

How to use

  • Add the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL secret to your repo. This URL is an incoming webhook that tells slack which channel should receive this notification. If you don't have one, ask IT support on slack.
  • Add this code as final step of every job you wish to received failure notification from:
- name: Send failure to Slack
  uses: digitalservicebund/notify-on-failure-gha@HASH_PLACEHOLDER
  if: ${{ failure() }}
  • Copy the last commit hash from our internal GitHub actions repo.
  • Back to your code, search and replace every occurence of HASH_PLACEHOLDER with the commit hash you just copied.


name: Pipeline

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Faulty step
        run: exit 1
      - name: Send failure to Slack
        uses: digitalservicebund/notify-on-failure-gha@d050613c380ee805de056e6ba37eb6676a98ce4f # v1.1.0
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}

Updating this action

After merging a dependabot PR or pushing changes, you need to cut a new release.