Web agency for museums, archives, libraries and galleries. Web design, development and consulting for digitized collections
Pinned Repositories
"Demokratie erLeben" (Living Democracy) is a scrollytelling web project about working class children in the 1920s, which has been created during the cultural hackathon Coding da Vinci Westfalen-Ruhrgebiet and a 3-months grant in 2019 and 2020.
A scavenger hunt progressive web application created with Twine and Mapbox GL JS.
A scavenger hunt progressive web application created with Twine and Mapbox GL JS.
GLAMorous Europe is a project within the Prototype Fund Round 14 and aims to bring together users and digital collections from European GLAM institutions with the means of a dating plattform.
A web-based generative art tool that creates customizable SVG grids with random designs and color palettes. Download your creations in both SVG and PNG formats.
The web project Julala has been created during the Coding da Vinci Nieder.Rhein.Land 2021 cultural hackathon and offers the opportunity to generate, print and color mandalas from vectorized copperplate elements.
The web project Plantala was created during the Coding da Vinci Niedersachsen 2020 cultural hackathon and relaunched during a 3-months grant in 2020. It offers the opportunity to generate, print and color mandalas from beautiful vectorized plant elements from digitized botanical teaching posters and is completed by facts about the plants.
As a web application PROTESTORY! offers a playful exploration of the protest cultures of working-class youth since the early 20th century and was created in collaboration with the archive of the working-class youth movement in 2022.
The meme generating project "Wie geht's dir, Europa?" (How are you, Europe?) has been created during the cultural hackathon Coding da Vinci Süd 2019 and combines photographs from the Willy Pragher collection with Twitter statements about the EU and Europe from 2019.
Digitalwarenkombinat's Repositories
The web project Plantala was created during the Coding da Vinci Niedersachsen 2020 cultural hackathon and relaunched during a 3-months grant in 2020. It offers the opportunity to generate, print and color mandalas from beautiful vectorized plant elements from digitized botanical teaching posters and is completed by facts about the plants.
A scavenger hunt progressive web application created with Twine and Mapbox GL JS.
GLAMorous Europe is a project within the Prototype Fund Round 14 and aims to bring together users and digital collections from European GLAM institutions with the means of a dating plattform.
A web-based generative art tool that creates customizable SVG grids with random designs and color palettes. Download your creations in both SVG and PNG formats.
The web project Julala has been created during the Coding da Vinci Nieder.Rhein.Land 2021 cultural hackathon and offers the opportunity to generate, print and color mandalas from vectorized copperplate elements.
As a web application PROTESTORY! offers a playful exploration of the protest cultures of working-class youth since the early 20th century and was created in collaboration with the archive of the working-class youth movement in 2022.
"Demokratie erLeben" (Living Democracy) is a scrollytelling web project about working class children in the 1920s, which has been created during the cultural hackathon Coding da Vinci Westfalen-Ruhrgebiet and a 3-months grant in 2019 and 2020.
Dice Opener | A Story Cube-like dice roller with icons
Web agency for museums, archives, libraries and galleries. Web design, development and consulting for digitized collections.
A scavenger hunt progressive web application created with Twine and Mapbox GL JS.
The meme generating project "Wie geht's dir, Europa?" (How are you, Europe?) has been created during the cultural hackathon Coding da Vinci Süd 2019 and combines photographs from the Willy Pragher collection with Twitter statements about the EU and Europe from 2019.