
AWS IoT Demo for collecting an edge device data and store to DynamoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AWS IoT Demo

This project is a quick demo for using AWS IoT to collect CPU temperature from an edge device, and record it in DynamoDB every 10 seconds. There will be a RESTful API to query the data.

This demo will cover the following parts:

  • The Edge Device
  • AWS Lambda (storing and querying data against DynamoDB)
  • DynamoDB
  • API Gateway
  • MQTT

The Edge Device

It can be any device that compatible with AWS IoT. In this example, I am using my home Plex Media Server (running Ubuntu Server) as the edge device.

Collecting CPU Temperature Data

Collecting CPU temperature data is done via Node-RED. A node module node-red-contrib-cpu is used to read CPU temperature from local sensors.

Collected data is published to AWS IoT via MQTT


The flow script can be found in node-red/flow.json, which can be imported into Node-RED. You need to replace with your own AWS certificates and endpoints

Data published into MQTT are in following format:

  "topic": "temperature/cpu",
  "payload": {
    "deviceId": "mediaserver_0",
    "temperature": 42
  "_msgid": "523478a5.762668"

AWS Lambda


Script file src/cpuTempertureStore/index.js.

This lambda will be triggered when a MQTT message is published by edge device, and the data will be stored into DynamoDB.


Script file src/cpuTempertureQuery/index.js.

This lambda handles RESTful query API to query data from DynamoDB. Depending on how your Gateway API is configured, the base URL will be different. Assuming the URL is `https://someid.execute-api.your-region.amazonaws.com/prod/demo, below are query examples:

  1. Query last 60 second temperatures (default)
curl https://someid.execute-api.your-region.amazonaws.com/prod/demo
  1. Query last 120 second temperatures
curl https://someid.execute-api.your-region.amazonaws.com/prod/demo?du=120
  1. Query specified period
curl https://someid.execute-api.your-region.amazonaws.com/prod/demo?du=120&start=2020-11-01T10:30:33Z



Table name here is cpu_temperature, partition key id with a sort key receivedAt.


API Gateway

An API need to be created under API Gateway and link to cpuTemperatureQuery lambda.



In AWS IoT Core, a thing need be created in order to generate certificates, where can be imported into Node-RED as used in edge device.

Then a rule need be created to subscribe a topic from MQTT and trigger the cpuTemperatureStore lambda.


Other Requirements

AWS IAM knowledge are essential to create roles and assign permissions, in order to make all these parts work together.