
Adds mesos agent attributes to all metrics scraped from mesos-exporter

Primary LanguageGo

Mesos Agent Attribute Appender

The mesos-agent-attribute-appender is for those of us who have torn our hair out writing veeeery loooong Prometheus queries because the mesosphere/mesos-exporter metrics don't contain the Mesos agent attributes. Currently, the mesos-exporter only provides the option to export a separate metric with this information, which doesn't help with our long queries much.

Seriously, look at this madness.



But that's where mesos-agent-attribute-appender comes in! Just run it on all your agent nodes (e.g. as a systemd unit), and set up your Prometheus to scrape this thing for your agent metrics instead. It appends the attributes from the mesos-slave-common file as new labels onto the end of each metric.


ahhhhh :)


You will need to pass it the following environment variables:

  • PRIVATE_IPV4, the IP address of the Mesos agent.
  • MESOS_SLAVE_COMMON_PATH, the location on the agent where the mesos-slave-common file (containing the slave attributes) can be found.
  • MESOS_EXPORTER_PORT, the port that mesosphere/mesos-exporter is running on.
  • PORT, the port that the mesos-agent-attribute-appender will run on (defaults to 19001--make sure your mesos-exporter is not using the same port.)