
lightweight promise-based wait/setTimeout interface (designed for use with co)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Super-simple wait() function which is a lightweight wrapper around setTimeout. I wrote this module just so I'd have an easy way to use things like yield wait.seconds(30); in my co-based workflows.

Provides the following methods. Each waits an amount of time, then resolves a promise. If the v argument is passed, the promise will resolve with that value.

  • wait(n,v) -- milliseconds
  • wait.until(date, v) -- wait until date, then resolve. if date is in the past, resolve immediately.
  • wait.seconds(n,v)
  • wait.second(n,v)
  • wait.sec(n,v)
  • wait.minutes(n,v)
  • wait.minute(n,v)
  • wait.min(n,v)
  • wait.hours(n,v)
  • wait.hour(n,v)
  • wait.days(n,v)
  • wait.day(n,v)
  • wait.weeks(n,v)
  • wait.week(n,v)
  • wait.months(n,v)
  • wait.month(n,v)


npm install --save co-waiter

quick examples:

var wait = require('co-waiter');

var delayed = wait.minutes(30, "something");
delayed.then(function(value) {
  console.log("this is", value, "30 minutes too late :(");
co(function*() {
  var val = yield wait.sec(3.5, 7);
  return val;
}).then(function(value) {
  console.log(value + "after 3.5 seconds");
somePromise.then(function(val) {
  return wait.until(someDate, val);
}).then(function(x) {
  console.log(x, "took a long time to get here!");
co(function*() {
  var val = yield someAsyncCall();
  val = yield wait.minute(Math.PI, val);
  return val;
}).then(function(myVal) {
  console.log(myVal + " after π seconds");

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