
Postman collection for Oro solutions (OroCommerce, OroCRM, OroPlatform)

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Postman Collection for Oro products

Postman is a powerful tool which helps to communicate with the API of many applications or just do HTTP requests for development purposes. We use it for our projects like Magento, Akeneo and of course Oro that we will introduce here.

A postman collection is a set of methods which can be used to call the Oro API. Instead to write down everything on your own, we create a collection that we are happy to share here.

Feel free to fork it and enhance this collection by sending us a Pull Request

You will find in this repository a collection to work with the API of Oro products:

  • Orocommerce 3.x (4.x is in prorgess on our side): some methods currently but is regurlaly improved. See the list below.
  • OroCRM: coming soon
  • OroPlatform: coming soon

How to ?

Install Postman if not already installed

Download the Postman application (which is free by the way) from their official website.. If you do not wish to download an application, there is a Chrome extension also available (on the same website).

Import the collection and the environment template into Postman

Download the following files:

In Postman, click the Import button and drop the two files you just downloaded in the pop-in that should look like this.


As a result, you will see a new collection in the Collection tab, on the left side of your screen.


Setup your environment

Click on the gear wheel in the top right corner, and then select Manage environments.


In the following pop-in select the environment called Oro API environment.

Then change the value of the following keys:

  • url with the url where your Oro product is hosted,
  • userkey with your user key that has been generated for this Oro product, Go to your
  • username with your Oro username,
  • userpass with your Oro password.

Do not forget to save your changes by clicking the Update button.

OroCommerce collection

  • Get Customer Users
  • Get Customer User
  • Get Customer User Addresses
  • Get Customer User Roles
  • Get Orders
  • Get Order Addresses
  • Get Order Address
  • Get Order Line Item
  • Get Order Line Items
  • Get Websites
  • Get / Delete Price List Websites
  • Get Products


Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)
