오영진(Youngjin Oh)

Report on making Tweeter: Report on the Python Project and self evaluation form is also in this report

main.py: The code for the project

PythonProject.zip: zip file of main.py and Report on making Tweeter

Used Pycharm 5.0.4 on Mac X El Captain 10.11.5


Enter a number to see the menu you want.

When you enter the number 0, Total users, Total friendship records, and tweets are displayed.

When you enter the number 1, average number of friends, minimum friends, maximum number of friends, average number tweets per suer, minimum tweets per user,and maximum tweets per user are displayed.

When you enter the number 2, you can see top 5 most tweeted words in this small tweeter.

When you enter the number 3, you can see top 5 most tweeted users.

When you enter the number 4, you have to enter an input word to find the users who tweeted a word.

When you enter the number 5, you can see the friends of top 5 most tweeted users and friends of users of who were searched in the 4th menu.

When you enter the number 6, you have to enter an input word you want to delete, then the tweets that have the input word are all erased.

When you enter the number 7, you have to enter an input word, then users who had tweeted the input word are all deleted.

When you enter the number 8, you can find strongly connected components

When you enter the number 9, you have to enter an input of user id then you can see the shortest path from the user you entered.

The IDE I used got some problem so when i read the data with with open('user.txt', encoding='utf8') as f: # include encouding='utf8'