
Simple introduction to nodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Modulo 01 from bootcamp from rocketseat.com.br

With this module I learned about:

Node JS -> Express JS ->

create a CRUD (Create, read, update(put) and delete)

Create middlewares with use function

  • using default middleware (server.use(function() or command))
  • using middleware as parameter of a method

JSON as default protocol

route > route params > query params

Manipulate an array and an array object in real time with http methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)

Learned about common HTTP code 1xx(Informational), 2xx(Success), 3xx(Redirection), 4xx(Client error), 5xx(Server error) 200: success 201: created 301: moved perm 302: moved 400: bad request 401: unauth 404: not found 500: internal server error