
examples for grouping

biohazardxxx opened this issue · 4 comments

I am maybe to dumb, but I don't understand your descrition how grouping works. Since I am on MySQL DB. I have to write SQL. The bubble shows fine in one group so far.
Can you provide an example please?

Best regards

I havn't tested with MySQL DB but in general, group hierarchy works against metric tags.

For e.g. You want to display the CPU utilization of all machines across multiple data-centers and want to group them first by datacenter and then by applications, define the tags hierarchy in alias as


assuming you have dataceneter, app and host as tags under metric data.

Thaks for your reply. I am not sure what you mean with "...as tags under metric data." Can you maybe explain?
This is how the Metric tab looks with MySQL.

@biohazardxxx - Use CONCAT for the metric field in SQL expression to achieve multiple group hierarchy.

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) as time_sec,
amt as value,
CONCAT(server, ',', org) as metric
FROM trade
WHERE $__timeFilter(date)

Great that works superb. maybe this can be added to the readme of this repo?