
LLM Powered ChatBot using Meta's LLAMA model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


LLM Powered ChatBot using Meta's LLAMA model

Installation Requirements

  1. Python >= 3.10
  2. Streamlit
  3. Replicate
  4. Langchain

How to get started

Create Conda environment

conda create -n <env> python=3.10

Activate the environment

conda activate <env>

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/digs1998/DigiChat.git

Run the requirements file to download the libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once we have all the required components, run the below command to visualize the chatbot

streamlit run streamlit_app.py

Create an account with Replicate, and get API tokens, this will be useful in successfully running the simulation.


Link to experiment is here : https://digichat-yvkhf6ehewja2iduhozucl.streamlit.app/


  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/build-chatbot-webapp-with-langchain/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8TgKxomS2g

Happy experimenting, feel free to reach out to me at digvijayyadav48@gmail.com, if you have any queries :).