This Standalone Spring Boot Project is a User Management Systen for admins to perform operations on users.
Way-1 : java -jar target/user-management-app-0.0.1.war
Way-2 : mvn clean spring-boot:run (using maven)
for example, want to run app on 9090 port number instead of default(8080)
Way-1 :- java -jar target/user-management-app-0.0.1.war --server.port=9090
Way-2 :- mvn clean spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--server.port=9090,"
4. DB configuration are provided in / file.
4.1. you can change it's value as per your convenient. as per explained in step-3.
4.1.1 for example, I want to change my db-user name, then I can do something likewise while I go for start my app,
mvn clean spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--spring.datasource.username=newUserName"
5. To generate .war file we need to clean install our project by following command(Maven should be installed),
Way-1 - mvn clean install
Way-2 - if have eclipse(IDE) then following steps is enough to have packaged app file, (right click on project) -> Run -> Maven install which will generate 1-war file namely "" under 'target' directory
6. Once the application is started you can access http://localhost:8080/
password: admin
Login Page:
Home Page:
Search Page:
Advanced Search Page:
Create User Page:
Login/Logout functionality
1.1 Forgot password
1.2 reset password / change password
1.3 security question while go for change/reset password
1.3.1. email through user confirmation
1.3.2 OTP through user confirmation
1.4 user-profile management
1.4.1 profile pic
1.4.2 more details of users like, address1, addres2, pincode, mobile number...etc.
1.5 search functionality with auto-completion feature
1.6 Modern UI