
A full-stack MERN appointment scheduling application with a responsive design. Users can view, add, edit, and delete appointments through a visual calendar interface using React FullCalendar. The app also allows uploading an optional image for each appointment. Fully responsive down to 300px for mobile devices.


A full-stack MERN appointment scheduling application with a responsive design. Users can view, add, edit, and delete appointments through a visual calendar interface using React FullCalendar. The app also allows uploading an optional image for each appointment. Fully responsive down to 300px for mobile devices.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Run the command npm install in both folders to install all the project's dependencies
  3. Create in the backend's root folder a .env file
  4. Create a new database in mongodb and find the link to connect your db ( sign in in mongodb website => database => connect => mongodb for vs code )
  5. Fill out the .env file with the following information : DATABASE_URI= the link to use your db .
  6. Run the code using the command npm start in both folders and everything will work properly


The code is on the master branch