
Time used: 11.5 hours


  • User can tap through the 3 welcome screens.
  • User can follow the create user flow.
  • On the create user form, the user can tap the back button to go to the page where they can sign in or create an account.
  • Before creating the account, user can choose to read the terms of service.
  • After creating the account, user can view the placeholders for Files, Photos, and Favorites as well as the Settings screen.
  • User can log out from the Settings screen.
  • User can follow the sign in flow.
  • User can tap the area for "Having trouble signing in?"
  • User can log out from the Settings screen.


  • Optional: Add a detail view for one of the files and implement favoriting the file.
    • You can favorite/unfavorite the GettingStarted.pdf and see that reflected in the favorites tab using user defaults
    • Can access the detail from the files tab as well
    • Bottom nav bar is hidden
  • Optional: Add UITextFields for the forms so you can actually type in them and handle dismissing the keyboard.
    • Only did this for Create new account but handled that one pretty robustly
    • The first input is focused on load
    • The "Create" button is disabled until all fields have something in them
    • On create, the "View terms" and "I agree" uses the UIAlertActionController action sheet UI
    • The password strength progress bar increases as the length of the password string increases
    • Keyboard is dismissable
    • The email field uses the email keyboard
    • Spell correction is turned off

