
A package that allows secure communication between two or more projects, focused mainly for use in microservices architectures, adding the Oauth2 authorization standard in addition to security at the network level by IP addresses and whitelists, which may already be owned.

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OAuth2 between Laravel projects

A package that allows secure communication between two or more projects, focused mainly for use in microservices architectures, adding the Oauth2 authorization standard in addition to security at the network level by IP addresses and whitelists, which may already be owned.


  • Simple implementation
  • It does not increase the latency of requests between microservices.
  • High level of security


  1. Having an authorization server, it is recommended to use Laravel Passport for this, specifically in the Client Credentials Grant Tokens section

  2. Store the file oauth-public.key at folder storage/app/ in the microservices to communicate, this file is provided by the authorization server


  1. Import the library

    composer require diimolabs/laravel-oauth2-client
  2. Add the following environment variables:


    And fill with the data provided by the authorization server when creating the client corresponding to the project

  3. Implement the middleware that validates the authorization of the input requests, in the file app/Http/kernel.php

    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        // Other middleware...
        'jwt' => \Diimolabs\OAuth\Middleware\EnsureJwtIsValid::class


Example of requesting a resource to a microservice

use Diimolabs\OAuth\Facades\OAuthClient;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

    Route::get('message', function(){
        return OAuthClient::request()

Example of a request from a microservice client

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::prefix('v1')->middleware('jwt')->group(function ()
    Route::get('/hello-world', function ()
        return 'Hello world from microservice 2';


import the configuration file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=oauth-client

in external_services you can manage the urls of your different services