
✈️ | Prints and send your pretty test result directy to different destination (elk, http, slack, line, ms teams. etc...)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This cucumber formatter works well with cucumber version 7.x. If you are still using cucumber 6.x refer to the version @restqa/cucumber-export@0.1.10

Table of content


npm install @restqa/cucumber-export


const { getFormatter } = require('@restqa/cucumber-export');

The getFormatter object expose a function receving your exports options. All The options are shared below.


Returns a cucumber formatter where the result will be pre-formatted and transferred to the selected destination.


Setup your formatter (through cucumber)

Create a new file at the root of your project. (restqa-formatter.js)

# <root-dir>/restqa-formatter.js

const { getFormatter } = require('@restqa/cucumber-export')
const stream = require('stream')
const instance = new stream.Writable({
  write: (data, encoding, next) => {

let envConfig = {
  uuid: 'xxx-yyy-zzz',
  name: 'local',
  env: 'uat',
  outputs: [
      type: 'stream',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        instance: instance
      type: 'html',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        path: 'my-report-folder', // (default: ./report)
        browserOpening: true // (default: true)
      type: 'html-remote',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://html-report.your-domain.dev' // (default : https://dashboard.restqa.io/reports)
      type: 'webhook',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://httpdump.io/lb8f7',
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'x-apikey': 'xxx-yyy-zzz'
      type: 'elastic-search',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'http://my-elastic-search.local:9200',
        index: 'bdd-e2e'
      type: 'file',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        path: 'my-report.json' // File to save
      type: 'slack',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/service/xxx/yyy/zzz', // The slack webhook url
        onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: false)
        showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within slack
        reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}' // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one
      type: 'microsoft-teams',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://outlook.office.com/webhook/xxx/IncomingWebhook/yyy/zzz', // The teams webhook url
        onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: false)
        showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within teams
        reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}' // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one
      type: 'line',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        token: 'sEdkjfEr745aasd546saSDdjklawE74S', // The line notfication token
        onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: false)
        reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}' // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one
      type: 'discord',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxx/yyy', // The discord webhook url
        onlyFailed: false, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: false)
        showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within slack
        reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}', // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one,
        tts: false, // enable TTS for the message, false by default
        username: 'bot-name' //  alternative name for bot, uses the name it has in discord UI by default if nothing specified
      type: 'mattermost',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        url: 'https://your-mattermost-url/webhooks/xxx',
        onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: false),
        showErrors: true, // Show the error message within Mattermost,
        reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}', // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one
        channel: 'town-square', // The channel to send messages to
        username: 'restqa-formatter', // Username to post as (only works if bot is allowed to change its name)
        iconUrl: '', // Link to bot profile picture (only works if bot is allowed to change image)
        iconEmoji: 'laughing',  // An emoji tag without the ':'s for bot profile picture (only works if bot is allowed to change image)
        displayedErrorsLimit: 25 // Limit the number of errors displayed in one message
      type: 'custom-report-key',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        key: 'value'
  customExporters: {
    'custom-report-key': function(config) {
      const { key } = config
      return Promise.resolve('[CUSTOM REPORT][SUCCESS] - Your custom report is great!')

module.exports = getFormatter(envConfig)

Run with cucumber-js

You can now run cucumber-js with the just created formatter

cucumber-js -f ./restqa-formatter.js:restqa.log

It's important to defined formatter export path to have access the logs, you can refer to the cucumber-js documentation (https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/blob/master/docs/cli.md#formats)'

Setup as a module

If you already have an JSON export file you can export the result using :

const { Export } = require('@restqa/cucumber-export')

async function main(result) {
  const options = {
    uuid: 'xxx-yyy-zzz',
    name: 'local',
    env: 'uat',
    outputs: [
        type: 'html',
        enabled: true

  const exportResult = await Export(result, options)


IMPORTANT : The duration can't be defined if you use this method. (it will appear as 0 into your repart)


The Options are mandatory.

uuid <string> (optional)

Represent the unique identifier of current test suit exported.

Default: autogenerated from uuid : v4

name <string> (optional)

Represent the name of the current test suite (example: The backend api for the mobile application)

title <string> (optional)

Represent a custom title that you want to show at the beginning of the export. (default: CUCUMBER EXPORT)

startTime <date> (optional)

Represent a unique key of the current test suite (example: 2018–01–30T12:34:56+00:00)

Default: current datetime

key <string> (optional)

Represent a unique key of the current test suite (example: backend-api)

env <string> (optional)

Represent a environment of the current test suite (example: uat)

outputs <array> (required)

You can configure different output, see below the available output reporters.



Export the result to a Writable Stream

  type: 'stream',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    instance: WritableStream // The writable stream instance


Export the result to a JSON file

  type: 'file',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    path: 'my-report.json' // File to save


Export the result to a local file folder as HTML format

  type: 'html',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    path: 'my-folder', // Folder to save the report
    browserOpening: true // Open the report on the default browser




Export the result to a webhook

  type: 'webhook',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://httpdump.io/rb6zi', // The http endpoint to send the result
    method: 'POST', // The http method to use
    headers: { // The request headers to use
      apikey: 'xxx-yyy-zzz'


Receive a notification on slack about you test report

  type: 'slack',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/service/xxx/yyy/zzz', // The slack webhook url
    onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: true)
    showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within slack
    reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}' // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one


slack notification

Microsoft Teams

Receive a connector card in your Microsoft Teams channel when your test finishes

  type: 'microsoft-teams',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://outlook.office.com/webhook/xxx/IncomingWebhook/yyy/zzz', // The teams webhook url (tutorial : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/msteams-webhooks-connectors/5-exercise-incoming-webhooks)
    onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: true)
    showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within teams

In order to get the url of the incoming webhook, take a look at : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/msteams-webhooks-connectors/5-exercise-incoming-webhooks


teams notification


Receive a message in your Discord channel when your test finishes via webhook. See how to set up the webhook bot here:

  type: 'discord',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxx/yyy', // The discord webhook url
    onlyFailed: false, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: true)
    showErrors: true,  // Show the error message within slack
    reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}', // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one,
    tts: false, // enable TTS for the message, false by default
    username: 'bot-name' //  alternative name for bot, uses the name it has in discord UI by default if nothing specified


discord notification


Receive a notification on line about you test report

  type: 'line',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    token: 'sEdkjfEr745aasd546saSDdjklawE74S', // The line notfication token (get your token here : https://notify-bot.line.me/en/)
    onlyFailed: true, // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: true)
    reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}' // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one

In order to get the token for the nofify line app, take a look at : https://notify-bot.line.me/en/


line notification


Receive a notification in your Mattermost channel when your test finishes

  type: 'mattermost',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://your-mattermost-url/webhooks/xxx',
    onlyFailed: true // Trigger the hook only for test failure  (default: true),
    showErrors: true // Show the error message within Mattermost,
    reportUrl: 'https://www.test.report/{uuid}', // The url to access to your detail test report if you have one
    channel: 'town-square', // The channel to send messages to
    username: 'restqa-formatter', // Username to post as (only works if bot is allowed to change its name)
    iconUrl: '', // Link to bot profile picture (only works if bot is allowed to change image)
    iconEmoji: 'laughing',  // An emoji tag without the ':'s for bot profile picture (only works if bot is allowed to change image)
    displayedErrorsLimit: 25, // Limit the number of errors displayed in one message

To personalise the bot, note the following from: https://docs.mattermost.com/developer/webhooks-incoming.html

Enable integrations to override usernames must be set to true in config.json to override usernames. Enable them from System Console > Integrations > Custom Integrations in prior versions or System Console > Integrations > Integration Management in versions after 5.12 or ask your System Administrator to do so. If not enabled, the username is set to webhook.

Similarly, Enable integrations to override profile picture icons must be set to true in config.json to override profile picture icons. Enable them from System Console > Integrations > Custom Integrations in prior versions or System Console > Integrations > Integration Management in versions after 5.12 or ask your System Administrator to do so. If not enabled, the icon of the creator of the webhook URL is used to post messages.


Mattermost notification


Export the result to an elastic search server (using rolling index)

  type: 'elastic-search',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'http://my-elastic-search.local:9200', // The elastic search endpoint
    index: 'bdd-e2e'  // The elastic search index to use (default: restqa-e2e-result)

The Elastic Search export allows you to create nice dashboard within Grafana or Kibana. And the good things is that we already prepared everything for you :



Access to the Grafana dashboard installation guide



Access to the Kibana dashboard installation guide

HTML Remote

Export the result to a remote endpoint in order to generate an html report.

For more information about the generation of the report you can look at the project :

  1. Use the SaaS version hosted on : dashboard.restqa.io (pro: ready, cons: data privacy, shared)
  2. Host your own, take a look at the documentation
  type: 'html-remote',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    url: 'https://html-remote.your-domain.dev', // (default : https://dashboard.restqa.io/reports),
    auth: { // Authentication through basic auth
      username: 'john',
      password: 'secure123'

Custom exporter

In case any of these exporter is matching your need you can build your own.

Your options object should look like:

let options = {
  uuid: 'xxx-yyy-zzz',
  name: 'local',
  env: 'uat',
  outputs: [
      type: 'custom-report-key',
      enabled: true,
      config: {
        key: 'value'
  customExporters: {
    'custom-report-key': function(config) {
      const { key } = config
      return Promise.resolve('[CUSTOM REPORT][SUCCESS] - Your custom report is great!')

2. Add your config in the outputs

  type: 'stream',
  enabled: true,
  config: {
    instance: WritableStream // The writable stream instance


if you would like to contribute to the project you will simply need to :

  • Install the packages : npm i
  • Then you can use the example available on the ./example folder using the command : npm run example


Create channels for :

  • Rocket chat
  • Google Hangouts
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana Loki
  • influxdb
  • statsd
  • testrail
  • teamcity
  • confluence
  • junit
  • Github Alert


MIT License