
Prometheus Exporter for QBittorrent torrent client

Primary LanguageRust

Prometheus QBittorrent Exporter

Prometheus Exporter for QBittorrent torrent client.


Next metrics are reported by this exporter:

Metric name Type Description
qbittorrent_status gauge Current status (connected/not connected) of QBittorrent instance
qbittorrent_dht_nodes_total gauge Number of DHT nodes, connected to
qbittorrent_downloaded_bytes counter Data downloaded since the server started, in bytes
qbittorrent_uploaded_bytes counter Data uploaded since the server started, in bytes
qbittorrent_torrent_category_total gauge Number of torrents for each category and status.


Arch Linux

  • Download release package
  • Extract the content: tar -xvzf prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter.tar.gz
  • Build and install: makepkg -si
  • (Optional) Enable bundled systemd service to autostart exporter service on boot: sudo systemctl enable --now prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter.service


This exporter is primarily configured via CLI arguments:

--exporter-port <EXPORTER_PORT>                [default: 7071]
--qbittorrent-endpoint <QBITTORRENT_ENDPOINT>  [default: http://localhost:8080/]
--qbittorrent-username <QBITTORRENT_USERNAME>  [default: admin]
--qbittorrent-password <QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD>  [default: adminadmin]

In standard installation any of the required CLI arguments can be passed via /etc/conf.d/prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter environment file (see prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter.service systemd service for more details).

Additionally, exporter log level can be configured via RUST_LOG environment variable (see env_logger documentation for more info).

Similar projects

This project is heavily inspired by https://github.com/esanchezm/prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter.

Also, it would not possible without next libraries: