
My journey learning React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What the project does

This project is a collection of small projects i did as part of the learning curve which was required during my journey learning ReactJs
Each small project has its own ReadMe file
It covers the following subjects

Why the project is useful and for whom

Audience Usefulness
Beginner React Developer Beginner can find small examples to do and compare his solution with what I did. The user that will do the examples in the order described below will have a very good starting point developing React Apps
Advanced React Developer Advanced can find
  1. An excellent starting project for every React project which uses authentication - Authentication/authentication_server_firebase Click Here for Preview
  2. Generic & easy to use form component - Forms/form_simple_input_with_validation usefull Click for Quick Preview

How users can get started with the project

Audience Project Order
Beginner React Developer
  1. react_max_assignment_1
  2. react_max_assignment_2
  3. Redux/todolist_no_redux
  4. tic_tac_toe
  5. Router example
  6. Component life cycle examples
  7. Axios examples
  8. Form examples
  9. Authentication examples
  10. Ref examples
Advanced React Developer Advanced can find
  1. An excellent starting project for every React project which uses authentication - Authentication/authentication_server_firebase
  2. Generic & easy to use form component - Forms/form_simple_input_with_validation usefull
  3. Context examples
  4. HOC examples
  5. Pure redux and react redux increment decrement counter examples

Where users can get help with the project

contact me at natankrasney@gmail.com or via my linkedin account

Who maintains and contributes to the project

Nathan Krasney : https://il.linkedin.com/in/nathankrasney

More info on React


All projects in this React repository are MIT licensed. Copyright (c) Nathan Krasney 2018.