In "JavaScript-with-JC", I have covered all the advanced JavaScript concepts, Frequently asked interview questions and MCQs mentioned below :-
- Polyfill ( map, reduce, forEach, filter, slice, find, flat, etc... ),
- Closure,
- Call, Apply, Bind ( Polyfill ),
- Currying, Infinite currying,
- Compose and Pipe ( Polyfill ),
- Debouncing ( Polyfill ),
- Throttling ( Polyfill ),
- Callback, Callback hell,
- Promise ( Polyfill promise.all, promise.any, promise.race, promise.allSettled ),
- Promise chaining,
- Async await,
- Mutation Observer,
- Intersection Observer,
- Generators,
- Prototype, Prototype Inheritance,
- Class object,
- Composition vs Inheritance,
- Flatten Array ( Recursive and Non-Recursive ),
- Flatten Object,
- This keyword,
- Hoisting,
- Memoization,
- Event Loop, CallStack, Callback Queue, Microtask Queue,
- Higher order functions,
- Event Bubbling, Capturing, delegation,
- Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap,
- Custom String.split Method,
- Method Chaining,
- Singleton design pattern,
- ClearAllInterval, ClearAllTimeout,
- Guess the Output? ( Frequently asked MCQs ) and Many more...