
The "Game of Dice" is a multiplayer game where N players roll a 6 faced dice in a round-robin fashion. Each time a player rolls the dice, their points increase by the number (1 to 6) achieved by the roll.

Primary LanguageRuby


The "Game of Dice" is a multiplayer game where N players roll a 6 faced dice in a round-robin fashion. Each time a player rolls the dice, their points increase by the number (1 to 6) achieved by the roll. As soon as a player accumulates M points they complete the game and are assigned a rank. Remaining players continue to play the game till they accumulate at least M points. The game ends when all players have accumulated at least M points. Rules of the Game

  • The order in which the users roll the dice is decided randomly at the start of the game.
  • If a player rolls the value "6" then they immediately get another chance to roll again and move ahead in the game.
  • If a player rolls the value "1" two consecutive times then they are forced to skip their next turn as a penalty.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version Install ruby (Any version) https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite ruby game_od_dice_test.rb

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...

To run the program and launch the shell (Interactive shell):


#Input & Output:

Please enter Players count
Total Number of players 3
Enter points of accumulate
Game will end once a player reaches 10 points
Let's roll those die!
"Round 1"
player_1 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 1
****** Scores ******
player_1 - 1
player_2 - 0
player_3 - 0
player_2 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 1
****** Scores ******
player_1 - 1
player_2 - 1
player_3 - 0
player_3 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 5
****** Scores ******
player_3 - 5
player_1 - 1
player_2 - 1

"Round 2"
player_1 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 6
****** Scores ******
player_1 - 7
player_3 - 5
player_2 - 1
Woohoo! player_1 You got another chance to roll the dice
player_1 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 3
****** Scores ******
player_1 - 10
player_3 - 5
player_2 - 1
player_1 completes the game with 1'st Rank
player_2 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 3
****** Scores ******
player_3 - 5
player_2 - 4
player_3 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 1
****** Scores ******
player_3 - 6
player_2 - 4

"Round 3"
player_2 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 1
****** Scores ******
player_3 - 6
player_2 - 5
player_3 its your turn (press ‘r’ to roll the dice)
roll result --- 6
****** Scores ******
player_3 - 12
player_2 - 5
player_3 completes the game with 2'st Rank
********* Final Ranking **********
player_1 Rank 1
player_3 Rank 2
player_2 Rank 3
Thank you for playing.