MEVN Stack

A Quickstart template for building a fullstack using:

The application consists of an Express REST API that is consumed by a VueJS Single Page Application.


This repository can be used via cloning the code base or copying it as a GitHub template. The process is identical excluding the first step:s

# clone this repository
git clone [directory-name]

# or click "use this template" and clone your new repo
git clone <your-repo>

# run the setup script
npm run setup

# if the setup script fails:
# install dependencies in both sub-projects
npm ci
npm ci --prefix client/

# copy env file
cp .env.example .env

Other Dependencies

You will also need:

  • A MongoDB instance to connect to
  • The Vue CLI installed


This repo comes with a helper script to run both the Vue development server and Express application in the same terminal:

npm run dev

Either application can also be run individually:

# Start the Express application with reloading via nodemon
npm run dev:server

# Start the Vue application with HMR and Reloading
npm run dev:client