
Please use the original extension that implements new features and resolve the problems with auto add colon and semicolon.

I am very grateful to all yours!

VSCode Styled Components

Forked from styled-components

All features until the version 0.0.31(925c9b5)


  • typescript-styled-plugin removed

  • CSS autocompletion(snippets) with colon and semicolon added

  • typescript-styled-plugin support

  • auto add colon and semicolon improved

Autocomplete with colon and semicolon

If you have any corrections or suggestions, open an issue.


Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for styled-components.

Syntax highlighting in action

Uses a CSS grammar built on top of language-sass and language-css.


Inside VSCode, press Ctrl+P, and enter:

ext install diegolincoln.vscode-styled-components

It should be the top result.



  • Syntax highlighting for styled components in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Detailed CSS IntelliSense while working in styled strings.
  • Syntax error reporting.


The styled-components extension adds highlighting and IntelliSense for styled-component template strings in JavaScript and TypeScript. See plugin configuration for information on configuring the linter and other language features.