I am passionate about solving problems using digital technologies. I build awesome apps that adds value to everyday lives.
Sydney, Australia
Pinned Repositories
This is the 3rd Project as part of Udacity's Frontend developer nanodegree. It is about creating an Arcade Game using Object oriented Javascript. The project is used as a means to practice the skill of writing Objects Oriented JS.
My Personal Website! This is the first and ninth project as part of Treehouse - FrontEnd Techdegree. It is also further enhanced for Udacity's Frontend developer nanodegree! Yay! It's about customizing a personal online profile by adding graphics, customizing text, and improving the look of a web page using Cascading Style Sheets, the formatting language of the web. As part of ninth project submission towards the end of front end degree, this project was re-written from scratch to act as my personal website.
This is the 4th project as part of Udacity Fronend Nanodegree 2020. It is about creating a web application that allows user to run Natural language processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites. for NLP, it uses an API called MeaningCloud. The project's main purpose though is to practice webpack setup from scratch and create build configs for dev and prod environments.
This repo is about hosting various implementation of a project called flashcards. The project has a purpose to help students to prepare for exams via creating flashcards and quizzing themselves. User can create and hold multiple decks of different cards. Currently, this project is implemented using react native, .NET core MVC, react single page app with .NET core MVC Web API as a backend.
This project is done as part of Treehouse Front-End and Full stack JS Techdegree. Initially it was implemented as pure function based and later was refactored using ES6 OOP style using classes. Its about creating a word game where player can guess a letter in the random word. Player has upto 5 lives and game is lost if all 5 lives are used. If player guesses all letters of the word within 5 lives then player wins!
This is the 2nd project as part of Udacity Intermediate JavaScript nanodegree. It is about creating a mars dashboard using NASA API using SPA style approach with only plain javascript.
This is the project done as part of Udacity's FrontEnd Developer Nanodegree Program. It is an interactive card game where user has to find a pair of cards that matches. this game keeps total number of moves, star rating and lots of cool animations.
This is the 7th project for Treehouse Fullstack Javascript Techdegree. It is about creating an interactive image gallary using Flicker API. It uses react components, react routes and fetch API.
This is the 6th Project as part of Full stack JavaScript Techdegree for Treehouse. It is about using node.js, express, pug and Json data to create a beautiful portfolio website.
This is the 5th & a capstone project as part of Udacity front end web developer nanodegree. It is about creating a travel planner app using multiple APIs. Node/Express server acts as a middleware to protect the api keys and interacts with multiple downstream APIs to fetch data about location, image, weather info and country facts
dilipagheda's Repositories
This is the 4th project as part of Udacity Fronend Nanodegree 2020. It is about creating a web application that allows user to run Natural language processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites. for NLP, it uses an API called MeaningCloud. The project's main purpose though is to practice webpack setup from scratch and create build configs for dev and prod environments.
This repo is about hosting various implementation of a project called flashcards. The project has a purpose to help students to prepare for exams via creating flashcards and quizzing themselves. User can create and hold multiple decks of different cards. Currently, this project is implemented using react native, .NET core MVC, react single page app with .NET core MVC Web API as a backend.
This is the 2nd project as part of Udacity Intermediate JavaScript nanodegree. It is about creating a mars dashboard using NASA API using SPA style approach with only plain javascript.
A react app to interact with the Rest Countries API and shows country information. Built with React hooks and material UI.
A small application developed in React using Hooks and React data grid. It demonstrates how to use react data grid along with redux and hooks. It is written in typescript.
Math Fun in React! Unit tests in Mocha and Chai.
This is the 10th (and final) Project as part of Treehouse Fullstack JavaScript Techdegree. It is about creating a React application that interacts with the School database REST API created in Project 9. The full stack application provides a way to administer a school database.
A React App that enables a user to navigate through marvel comic characters using Marvel API. The app is built with React 16.8 version with Hooks.
This is the 1st Project at OpenClassRooms - Backend .Net Core Path. It is about creating an online resume in React using functional components. Mockup design was provided by the UX team and idea was to implement it in React and style it using SAAS so that the implementation matches the mock up exactly.
This project is a shopping cart app built with ASP .NET Core MVC. It is a 2nd project as part of the OpenClassrooms - Backend developer path - .Net Core. This project was given with all required unit tests. The unit tests were failing initially and goal was to implement the functionality so that unit tests will pass.
This is 3rd Project as part of OpenclassRooms - Backend .NET diploma path. It is about creating Admin module of shopping cart application to manage products. Features include ability to manage products by logging in as Admin user, Unit tests, Integration tests and database integration using SQL Server.
This is the 9th Project as part of Treehouse Fullstack JavaScript Techdegree. It is about creating an API for managing a school database. The API will provide a way for users to administer a school database containing information about courses: users can interact with the database by retrieving a list of courses, as well as adding, updating and deleting courses in the database.
This is the 4th project as part of Udacity Cloud Developer nanodegree. It is about creating a serverless app using AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB.
This is a Capstone project as part of AWS Cloud Developer nanodegree from Udacity. It is about building an expense tracker with serverless backend and React client.
This is the 3rd project as part of the Udacity AWS cloud developer nanodegree program. It is about converting the monolith application to microservices, setting up CI/CD with Travis CI, dockerize the modules and then finally deploying it on AWS EKS
This is the 3rd Project as part of Udacity Frontend developer nanodegree program. It is about using plain JavaScript on both client side and server side to create a weather journal for an user. It uses node.js and express framework on server side to fetch data from weather API.
This is the 7th project for Treehouse Fullstack Javascript Techdegree. It is about creating an interactive image gallary using Flicker API. It uses react components, react routes and fetch API.