This script was built with the purpose and intention to assist in grabbing a preorder item at target. It can be modified to suit any pre-order item by simply changing the designated url. You can also disable the add insurance option by adding // at the beginning of said line. Note that removing the insurance option disables the option to auto move to cart and prevents the script from knowing if the item was added to cart or not, this will require your physical presence to proceed to cart. It is a userscript built to work with the tampermonkey extension on google chrome, and Should be compatible with greasemonkey as well.
-Chrome based browser or Mozilla's firefox -Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey extension -Copy of the script
To use, simply install one of the above mentioned extensions by clicking the 'Raw' link. If everything works, you should see TamperMonkey ask you to confirm the installation of the new script. Then browse to the designated url, refresh once and it should be on its way to preordering glory. You can also add the script to your extensio by copying the code from the repo here and creating a new script within your browser, in which you'll need to paste said code. You'll know the script is working once you're at the target url and the script auto refreshes every 3 minutes, You can also check the extension to see if any scripts are enabled for the current url.
It's purpose is merely to add the item to cart and then proceed to said cart. Follow the instructions at the end of the script to modify brewcrew87's script to automate the entire ordering process, also removing the added insurace, this of course isn't required if disabled.
If you want to modify the script to watch a different url, make sure to remove the @updateUrl and @downloadUrl lines from the script otherwise your changes could get overwritten by updates from the original script.
Use at your own risk, which includes, but is not limited to any possible bans, cart lockouts, cancelled orders, etc.
Goes to developer @dill0wn for updating auto updates and fixed readme, unable to add a contributor.