
Team Members

  • Kathy Bradt
  • Dillon Cleaver
  • Mathew Yang
  • Justin Birkland


To create a Minimal Viable Product or MVP using at the model, view, controller method. Objectives are to:

  • use semantically correct HTML, with all pages generated from the server via Handlebars
  • use bootstrap with custom CSS and have a responsive design.
  • jQuery or vanilla Javascript must be used for client-side code
  • Express must be used, with an MVC file structure.
  • MySQL and Sequelize must be used.
  • Your database should have a minimum of three tables (one of which would be a users table), and associations among these tables. Users should be able to perform all basic CRUD functions on at least one of your models.
  • The User table should include a field for a hashed password.
  • One or more pages must be restricted to only logged-in users.
  • Must have a signup and login form

New Technology

In this project we implemented the following new technology:

Our Project Description

Our project uses the MVC method to display books at our bookstore called Unicorn Books! When you get to our homepage you are presented with a navabar and dropdown options to login/signup or look for a book by available, genre or location. When login in is selected you are sent to the login/signup page where you can login or create an account. Once logged in there is two other features the user is presented with. These are to got to your settings page or to your dashboard page where you can view the books you have checked out. When navigating to the settings page you can update your information or delete your account. There are many more ideas that we could add on in the future!



Heroku Deployment Page
