
Layers of caches in your Mojolicious app

Primary LanguagePerl


Cache layers plugin


# In your app
$app->plugin(XCached => [ ... caches config ... ] );

# In your controller
sub action {
    my $c = shift;

    my $user = $c->xcache('user');
    if (!$user) {
        $user = $user_model->load_user( id => $c->param('user_id') );
        $c->xcache( user => $user, { expire_in => 3600 } );

    $c->render( user => $user );

# ... or like this
sub action {
    my $c = shift;

    my $user = $c->xcache(
        user => $user_model => load_user =>
        [ id => $c->param('user_id') ],
            cache => { expire_in => 3600 }

    $c->render( user => $user );

# ... or even like this, if driver is non-blocking
sub action {
    my $c = shift;


        user => $user_model => load_user =>
        [ id => $c->param('user_id') ],
            cache => { expire_in => 3600 }
        sub {
            my ( $xcache, $user ) = @_;

            $c->render( user => $user );

# In your template
<%= xcinclude(
    user => $current_user,
    xcached => [
        cache => { expire_in => 60 }
    xcache_key => 'user:' . $current_user->id
) %>

# In @common/user/info.html.ep
% for $object ( $user->related_objects ) {
    %= include( 'common/user/related_object' => $object );
% }


Mojolicious::Plugin::XCached allows to add layers of caches to your app.

Caches are implemented via MojoX::Cached.

Plugin adds two helpers:


To use caches inside application and/or templates


Returns count of cache layers


To cache rendered templates includes


Simple cache which supports data caching, sub/method call results caching


use MojoX::Cached;
use MojoX::Cached::Driver::SomeDriver;

# Initialize
my $driver = MojoX::Cached::Driver::SomeDriver->new( ... driver options ... );
my $cacher = MojoX::Cached->new( driver => $driver );

# Simple using
# Set
$cacher->set( user => { name => 'Dmitry', email => 'dim0xff@gmail.com', ... } );

# Get
my $user = $cacher->get('user');

# Cache method results for 1 hour (3600 seconds)
# Perform (in scalar context):
#   $template->render( ... some template data ... )
#   and cache result
my $rendered = $cacher->cached(
    'heavy_template' => $temlate => 'render' =>
    [ ... some template data ... ],
    expire_in => 3600

# The same, but in list context
# Results will be stored separately (means, that method will be called again
# in list context)
($rendered) = $cacher->cached(
    'heavy_template' => $temlate => 'render' =>
    [ ... some template data ... ],
    expire_in => 3600

# Later when on call method with same arguments, result will be fetched from
# cache (if not expired) respecting call context


Simple cache, which supports data caching, sub/method call results caching. You have treat this like Memoize with expiration and different backends.

It supports non-blocking interface, but non-blocking feature depends on driver implementation. Optional callback \&cb could be passed as last argument for most of methods.


Dmitry "dim0xff" Latin <dim0xff@gmail.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Dmitry Latin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.