Chat Server dummy app

The goal of the application is to build a dummy messaging server (chat server) which communicates over HTTP.
The server expose one endpoint: POST: /messages/{type}
For the current example the server should support only 2 types of messages:

  • send_text (e.g. http://localhost/messages/send_text)
  • send_emotion (e.g. http://localhost/messages/send_emotion)

Build the project

You can build the project using the included Gradle wrapper by running:

  • ./gradlew build on Linux/macOS
  • gradlew build on Windows

Run the project

  • ./gradlew bootRun on Linux/macOS
  • gradlew bootRun on Windows

Create a Docker image

Make sure that the project is built with ./gradlew build and then run:

  • ./gradlew docker on Linux/macOS
  • gradlew docker on Windows

Run a Docker image

To run the docker image on port 8080 use:

  • ./gradlew dockerRun on Linux/macOS
  • gradlew dockerRun on Windows