
Telegram iOS Chart Competition 2019, (4'th place)

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift version Donate


Thanks Telegram for this competition. On first stage I didn't win anything cause of performance (CoreGraphics not good choice 😊). On second stage took 4 place. There was issue on iPhone 6+ with scale transform.
-> Entry248 <-

Demo   Demo

There you can find implementation of hight performance chart, with correct display chart zoom at any time(e.g. in animation). How it works?

  • use Metal in core for draw charts
  • for animation used wrapper around CADisplayLink
  • reuse UILabels
  • the hardest part combine it together

As additional performance improvement:

  • move from UILabel to CATextLayer
  • do not animate zero label

Now there is no botelnecks in chart. At least I didn't found it.

P.S. there is brunch pie with experimental pie transition.

Metal implementation details

  • use BaseDisplay class for prepare render pipeline, work with buffer, switch reduced data
  • all data move to GPU buffer in same way (date, value), no stack data preprocessing is performed
  • on the GPU we perform 3 different display shader for each representation of chart
  • switch to redused data: when there more that 1 data value for 1 pix, we switch to reduced data. On this data performance isn't issue, so I disabled it. Look at reduceSwitchOffset.

Fixed Issues

  • From TG: iPhone 6+ chart exceed outside bounds (they said it crutual bug and give 4 place 😒)
  • Orientation change layout buttons
  • Day/night mode button move to header
  • Selection not disappear when fast move date range of chart
  • In line chart selection circles not disappear when this chart is hidden


I get great expirience with Metal. Indeed Metal or OpenGL is good framework for problem like this. No need to trick around CAShapeLayer. It requere more time at first, but then much easier to build good architecture and great performance in future.


The code under MIT licence. Do whatever you want.