
Mesh Combiner system

Primary LanguageC#

How to use

  • Setup hierarchy => all meshes parented to one object
  • AddComponent to parent MeshBake.cs
  • Setup baking

  1. Bake type: Combine, Combine by sort material, Combine by sort material with atlasing
  2. Bake options - Drag&Drop scriptableObjects for add options to list (you can make your own option or import existing from samples)
  3. Atlas bake setup. (only if you selected Combine by sort material with atlasing)
  4. Filter by Shader and apply settings (textureData)
  5. Prefab Combining instance (can be null) - script will instantiate this prefab and set CombinedMesh to this instance

Old baker features (Deprecated)

Bake system for fast mesh bake in runtime or editor

  • Combine
  • Combine with sort material (each bake by unique material)
  • Combine with random vertex color
  • Combine with atlasing
  • Combine with atlasing color (vertex color to texture block)
  • Separate submeshes
  • [Editor] Save meshes to asset files
  • [Editor] Save texture atlas to asset
  • [Editor] Extract simple colliders

How to use Old baker (Deprecated)

  • Setup hierarchy => all meshes parented to one object (parent must be clear from meshFilter or meshRenderer)
  • Drop to parent MeshCombiner.cs
  • Select bake queue in script
  • Use editor buttons if need bake in editor