Visualizing A Song's Popularity Using Spotify


Build a page that uses data from the Spotify's API Top Tracks to render a bar chart using Chart.js. It will display the 10 most popular Elvis Presley songs and will have track names on the x-axis and popularity on the y-axis.

example pic


You will need to make an AJAX call using the Artist Top Tracks URL describe here Spotify's API Top Tracks

Take a look at the spec/spotify-chart.spec.js file to get started. This lab isn't fully tested so while every spec may pass, you might not have a functioning product. You will only be modifying the js/spotify-chart.js to pass the first six tests.

The final step of this lab will be to run your server with ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8000 and opening up localhost:8000. Verify that your chart looks similar to the chart in this readme, then open spec/spotify-chart.spec.js and set the variable signature equal to your first and last names, in a string. That should make the final test pass.

Note: We've intentionally left out notes on using Chart.js. Be sure to read the docs and exercise some google-foo if you run into something challenging. Also note that these docs linked reference v1, as that is the version currently loaded in the lab.


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