
Primary LanguagePython

Setting up Virtual Environment

To set up a virtual environment for this application, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt at the root of the application's folder (REDLAB).

  2. Create a directory named venv:

    mkdir venv

  3. Navigate into 'venv

    cd venv

  4. create a virtual enviroment named 'redilab' using Python's 'venv' module:

    python -m venv redilab

  5. activate the virtual enviroment

on Windows:


on macOS/Linux


Managing the Stack(Backend)

Install Dependencies

  1. Install the backend dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Stack management

  1. Open a command prompt at the root of the application's folder.

  2. add a new .env file and then the codes in the env.simple in . env

  3. Run: docker-compose up -d --build

  4. View Container: docker ps

  5. Go inside a Container: docker exec -it <nodeContainerID> sh (replace )

  6. Stop containers : docker-compose down

  7. Stop all running Containers: docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

  8. remove all Containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Run the Application

  1. Start the FastAPI server:

docker-compose up --build

  1. Access Swagger UI:

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs to access the Swagger UI documentation.


  1. Register User

URL: /user/register

Method: POST

  1. Login User

URL: /user/login

Method: POST

  1. Get User Details

URL: /user/{user_id}

Method: GET


Authorization: Bearer token for authentication.

Response: The user's details excluding the password.

Tools and Technologies


This application uses MongoDB as the database. Follow these steps to set up MongoDB:

Install MongoDB:

Visit the MongoDB Download Center and follow the instructions to install MongoDB on your system.

Install MongoDB Compass:

Download and install MongoDB Compass, a GUI for MongoDB, to visualize and manage your MongoDB data.

Docker Desktop

Download and install Docker Desktop for your operating system.


Download and install Postman to test and interact with your API endpoints.

Managing MongoDB with Docker This application uses Docker to manage MongoDB. The docker-compose.yml file includes the configuration for the MongoDB service.

Using Postman

Postman can be used to test the endpoints of the application. Here's how:

Open Postman. Create a new request and set the appropriate method (GET, POST, etc.) and URL. Add headers and body as needed. Send the request and view the response.