
A Management Interface for the CommCare Data Export Tool

Primary LanguagePython

CommCare Sync

A Management Interface for the CommCare Data Export Tool.

Some additional context on this project can be found here (Dimagi Internal).

For deploying this tool to a production server, see commcare-sync-ansible

Developer Setup - Docker

The easiest way to get up and running is with Docker.

Just install Docker and Docker Compose and then run:

make init

This will spin up a database, web worker, celery worker, and Redis broker and run your migrations.

You go to localhost:8000 to view the app.

Using the Makefile

You can run make to see other helper functions, and you can view the source of the file in case you need to run any specific commands.

For example, you can run management commands in containers using the same method used in the Makefile. E.g.

docker-compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser

Developer Setup - Native

You can also install/run the app directly on your OS using the instructions below.


  • Python 3.8 On Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3.8-dev
  • Postgres (or other SQL DB, but you'll have to edit the settings if not postgres)
  • Redis

Setup a virtualenv and install requirements:

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages commcare_sync -p $(which python3.8)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a database:

psql -U <dbuser> -h localhost -p 5432
CREATE DATABASE commcare_sync;
./manage.py migrate

Running server

./manage.py runserver

Building front-end

To build JavaScript and CSS files, first install npm packages:

npm install

Then to build (and watch for changes locally) just run:

npm run dev-watch

To build the files for production run:

npm run build

Running Celery

Celery is used to run background tasks, including all the commcare-export runs as well as the scheduled tasks. To run it you can use:

celery -A commcare_sync worker -l info

Or to also include periodic tasks to run all exports on a schedule:

celery -A commcare_sync worker -l info -B

Running Tests

To run tests:

./manage.py test


To set up a production server, see commcare-sync-ansible

Deploying with Fabric

For incremental deploys you can also use fabric. First install it:

pip install -r requirements/dev-requirements.txt


fab -H commcare-sync-demo2.dimagi.com -f deploy/environments/demo.yml deploy

You'll have to set up authentication using something like this guide.

Here's an example /.ssh/config entry:

Host commcare-sync-demo2.dimagi.com
  User ubuntu
  HostName commcare-sync-demo2.dimagi.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/Covid.pem