
Properly separate dimagi's fork of Twitter Bootstrap from our custom styling of CommCare HQ.

Primary LanguageCSS

CommCare HQ Style

HQStyle is built on top of our fork of Twitter Bootstrap that includes overrides of Twitter Bootstrap styles and new styles specific to the CommCare HQ user interface. This also includes all the necessary javascript for our bootstrap plugins.

HQStyle is structured as a django app, so that the compiled css and javascript files are easily available to CommCare HQ and related projects. No compilation of the less files and javascript files is necessary, unless changes are made to the files in hqstyle/_less and hqstyle/_plugins.

Requirements for Compiling HQStyle

The following instructions are for *nix users. For windows installation, skip ahead to the bottom of this section.


Both lessc and uglify-js below need nodejs to run. How to install nodejs.


The LESS CSS compiler is required to compile all the .less files from hq-boostrap.

Do the following to install lessc.

  • sudo git clone https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js.git /opt/lessc
  • add alias lessc='nodejs /opt/lessc/bin/lessc' to your bash profile

Note to OSX users:

Instead of adding the lessc alias, on Mac OS X you should put the lessc executable on the path, e.g. by adding /opt/lessc/bin/ to the path.

This LESS app is super useful for working with LESS. It's highly recommended that you use this when making changes to the .less files. Use this along side the make extra command described below for updating changes to javascript or image files.


Install npm.

Then do the following

npm install uglify-js -g

You may have to run npm link uglify-js.

Installation for Windows Users

Installing the prerequisites on windows is actually quite painless. Install node.js via the latest .msi installer. Then install the dependencies using:

  • npm install less
  • npm install uglify-js

After you're done just update your PATH environment variable to include the bin/ directories containing the lessc and uglifyjs commands.

Compiling HQ Style

From the root directory of commcare-hq run:

python manage.py make_hqstyle

Having some aliasing issues?

The following arguments to this management command may help:

  • direct-lessc - runs lessc directly from /opt/lessc

  • node - used in addition to direct-lessc for when your OSX install of nodejs is for some reason accessed using node instead of nodejs.

A note to Devs on OSX

Less.app is fantastic for compiling .less files automatically as you make changes. Make sure you set the correct output paths.